The international media (if not the government-controlled newspaper and news channels) reflected the deserted urban and rural areas of Myanmar highlighting the continued opposition to the Min Aung Hlaing military brigade.
Commemorating the two-year anniversary of the people’s resistance against the illegal coup, cities and towns nationwide participated in the silent strike. Many roads and streets were deserted including in Yangon, Mandalay, Monywa, Dawei, and others despite being threatened by the junta. The sho... continue reading
Commemorating the two-year anniversary of the people’s resistance against the illegal coup, cities and towns nationwide participated in the silent strike. Many roads and streets were deserted including in Yangon, Mandalay, Monywa, Dawei, and others despite being threatened by the junta. The sho... continue reading

For some days, it has been widely discussed about the success stories of Delhi government in both education and healthcare sectors.

Demands for appointing the Ambassadors (instead of High Commissioners) in the 53 Commonwealth countries (so that the Union Government in New Delhi can...

Serious journalism in India continues to be a dangerous profession and scribes here remain habituated with various forms of vulnerability be it physic...

The appeal was fervent from thousands of freedom-aspiring Baloch people and the message was clear that India should support their struggle for attain...

Suddenly narratives over Kashmir have changed for both India (Hindustan/ Bharat) and Pakistan where New Delhi extended its horizon up to Pakistan occu...

It's 60 years now since Tibetans inside and outside continue their struggle against the Communist regime of China for their legitimate rights over lan...

The first malaria vaccine in the world is about to be tested in Malawi. The vaccine is meant to give partial protection to children.

As a digital nomad who can work anywhere, who just needs a laptop and access to internet, you are probably always on the lookout for new countries to ...

With tremendous enthusiasm among common residents, Bhutan is going for its third national (general) elections on 18 October. Two political parties are...

It was a rewarding trip to Chennai, slowly emerged as a national medical care hub, where options and technical facilities for prevention and treatment...

Would it be possible to turn Sahara desert green again? According to one scientist, yes. Although it wouldn't be a simple, nor small task, on the draw...

Bangladesh remains in media headlines and mostly for wrong reasons. As the populous country is approaching the next general (national) elections by th...

The idea of vegetarianism and veganism is becoming more popular every day, for more than one reason. But is it sustainable?

After withdrawing from the multinational deal with Iran, Trump said that Iran is "treating us with much more respect right now, than they did in the p...

As we were preparing to complete the first half of 2018, shocking news broke from America, one of the professed liberal space for journalists in a dem...

While it's not an ongoing thing, yet, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, a stylish contemporary art gallery in Paris, decided to accept nudists in their museum...

Kazakhstan, the country located in central Asia, accounced on Tuesday that they will be changing from Cyrillic script to the Latin-based alphabet.

If you've ever bought a car, or even used one, it's likely that you'll know what a registration plate is. Its how you find your car in that huge car p...

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 passengers, or at least some of them, have received a check for $5000 after experiencing an engine failure that ended w...

The end of days has been predicted for decades now, with one of the most famous date behind was Dec 21, 2012, when Nibiru, or Planet X, was supposed t...

After two seasons of Stranger things, someone has finally decided that the authors of Stranger Things stole the idea from him. What took him that long...

Scott Pruit, the Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced yesterday that he will be revoking Obama-era car emission standards...

Synthetic cannabinoids have been tied to at least 2 deaths among the 56 cases of severe bleeding in central Illinois. The users of the drug, often als...

CNN reports that the Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County has placed buckets of river stones in all class rooms to help students protect...

According to a new research, Great Pacific garbage patch is up to 16 times bigger than previously thought. The waste patch is around twice the size of...

Music is the food for heart and being the part and parcel of our life we require music at every bend of our life.

International Criminal Court (ICC) was created in 1998 to prosecute individuals for the international crimes against humanity. It is meant to compleme...

The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not work...

Atomic scientists have just moved the metaphorical Doomsday Clock 30 seconds closer to midnight. It's now 2 minutes to midnight. The last time it was ...

While many media channels are shouting that Trump finally apologized for something he's said or done, that's not exactly right. What we are talking ab...

Oprah Winfrey, known most by getting his guests to cry in her show, is allegedly considering running for president of the United States according to C...

Those who violate restraining orders in Seattle can suffer major consequences for doing so. It is a serious offense to disobey a restraining order; it...

In September Musk made a bet on Twitter, saying that he can solve the power problem in South Australia in 100 days, or it will be built free of charge...

If the news about the upcoming doomsdays would have been true, the world would have ended at least a dozen of times already. But last I checked, we're...

Or to be precise, yesterday he was asking for $200 000 on his Gofundme page. Today he seems to have realized that space travel, paraphrasing our big l...

While countries around the world are trying to get people to use less plastic bags, the African country Kenya has gone way further than any Western co...

According to a senior union official Britain currently isn't able to guard their borders against migrants properly, and need at least 3000 more Border...

The popularity of the U.S. president in other countries can vary, obviously, depending on what he does or doesn't do, if he decides to help other coun...

According to UN refugee agency, there are now roughly 150 times more people displaced in the world than there are people in the tiny nation of Malta.

Guwahati: It was assumed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would declare the Dhola-Sadiya bridge of Assam in the name of Dr Bhupen Hazarika and was al...

Guwahati: Series of resourceful programmes along with cultural activities in front of enthusiast audience turned the venue of 1st Brahmaputra Literary...

There are some animals, who, besides being fed during their entire lives by their owners, have also inherited all of their 'parents' money.

Lee Hnetinka a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and one of the founders of Darkstore, has announced that New York is the latest target market for the e-com...

For many political pundits, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reflects only the Hindutva sentiment with plentiful arrogances, but the enthusiastic part...

As the first half of the year 2016 passes on, India emerges as one of the worst places for working journalists similar to the conflict-ridden nations ...

It was a spectacular show, where a young tribal leader took the pledge to serve over 30 million people of Assam with all his sincerity and commitment....

Everyone is familiar with the concept of a lottery, after all, it's the most popular form of gambling around.

As India witnessed the murder of three journalists this year (eight since Jan 2015), the demand for special protection laws to journalists on duty is...

As Myanmar (formerly Burma) is opening up to the world, various experts are advocating for India’s pro-active initiatives in this fast changing neighb...

Most people don't require the proof anymore, but the clown Rapper B.o.B seems to need it. So let's talk about it.

What has happened to Paris is a reality check for mankind to seek a better way to exist. God and Love are one and the same vibration. The lack of it...

Property management in West Palm Beach provides real estate owners with support, expertise, and affordability. West Palm Beach, a popular tourist area...

Making the world a better, healthier, and more sustainable place for future generations is certainly no easy task.

Many of us dream of meeting famous people – we wonder what they’d be like in person, what we’d talk about, what would happen as a result. But what hap...

Better safety features have helped reduce the number of traffic accidents and fatalities in recent decades. The trucking industry, however, hasn't kep...

Earlier today I happened to come across a video in Youtube, a story by "3 News," that caught my attention. The video claims that a 16-year-old actuall...

The boardwalk of casino gaming has expanded and touch based with the virtual world.

Totally dependant on the advertisement revenues, where the monetary contribution from millions of viewers never reach the management of news channels,...

Building a house is really expensive and you need to be financially prepared when you decide to have a house erected.

You've been dating for a while now and nothing seems to be going quite right. You've had a good number of dates but there’s been little to no spark an...

Mohandas Gandhi was convinced much of the violence in society and in our personal lives stem from the passive violence that we commit against each oth...

We have seen grand pronouncements by many countries and by many leaders calling for world peace. Is this a reality, or is it politicians saying one th...
The poker world lost one of its icons last year, with the passing of casino legend Amarillo Slim. One of the last bastions of the old school, Slim was...
For girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, one cultural practice is all that stands between them and the struggle for life and dignity.
According to develop...
Conspiracy theories are rife in this new century we live in. In the post-9/11 world it seems that everyone has a theory or has heard suspicious eviden...
Having looked at what a 20-year old German person might have to look at before he or she hits the road into the wilds of Europe, we might, this time, ...
I’m not sure what can really be said for travelling the world. So many proverbs come to mind and it’s really not in anybodies best interest if we tabu...
The monsoon magic at mesmeric Cherrapunjee, famed as the wettest place on earth, appears to be fading by the day, with the locals seemingly coming to ...
Ships are living creatures. Ask any sailor and he will agree and he will further say that ships are feminine. That combination of steel, paint, oil, b...
(Or: Why should I say thanks?) (Or: Just sit your xenophobic butt down, and listen to reason!)
Inflation kills the poor and hyperinflation kills the state. Zimbabwe is the latest state whose kleptocratic and incompetent leadership has converted ...
Every week Iraqi Police and Army graduate from Coalition run training. The exit strategy for Coalition Forces relies on the Iraqi people taking over t...
Why is it that a quarter of the world possesses the majority of the riches?
It is imperative for the economic growth of the Two/Thirds World that...
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Here are five things you can do right now to help stop global warming.
Whenever I read anything by Chomsky, I feel very uncomfortable, partly because he keeps telling me that the world is in a mess, but mainly because I d...
India, The Golden Nightingale, is the largest democratic country in the world. It also has the second largest population in the world. A melting pot o...
As the winds gusted through Louisiana, our country viewed the tragedy from their television screens. Everybody had his or her own understanding of thi...
Golden curtains of light flowing through the crystalline glass of the chandeliers. Monochromatically coloured attire adorned by monochromatic men bala...
She was Prissie from Brissie. He was the Nothingman from Nottingham. Why the names? Straightforward where she is concerned. Her name is Priscilla, she...
If your crystal ball about money is dim and cannot shed light to the future, then chop it in half and balance them like the Yin-Yang. Let your gut fee...
This is an independent and no-nonsense approach to take a look at the foreign policy of The United States of America. Perhaps people who read this wil...
Time to stick it to the man, o my readership! Go out and give an underdog the edge!
In order to grow sometime people need to be taken out of their comfort zones. They need to be shaken up a little, so they can understand how other peo...
Many scholars agree on the theory that the human race came out of Africa and evolved according to the climate and conditions of the region where they ...
All right, let’s get it out in the open right from the start – I’m biased. I love Kenya, and I love Kenyans. In fact, if I ever meet the member of the...

Holla, hombres. Last time, I said that this week’s column would consist of ‘love in the time of movie monster prosthetics’. Well, it seems I lied. Unf...
The battle between Islam, Christianity and Politcs heats up with the election of a born again Christian into the White House.

Ever read any of Bill Bryson's travel guides? Impressed? Well over the next few weeks / months and so on I'll be putting up my view of the world, an o...
What has become of boxing? Oscar de la Hoya is content to promote fights like a giddy diabetic child who just got his hands on a bowl full of jelly be...
Only recently has the Mount Perry Archeological Society been able to translate the scrolls found hidden inside hundreds of clay jars, hidden deep in t...

No, you're not mistaken - we really are taking a look at a movie that we've already taken a look at. Or have we...? Well, yes - yes, we have...
Every man needs a hobby. My wife says all men need to putter. I’ve never given much credence to the hobby as a necessity but I am not without my time-...
It was in 1984 when I first moved to Mount Perry, Florida with my two minor children. I was retired and had little to do. I stayed home most of the ti...

It's a hot day here in the middle of Mount Perry, Florida. But I am content sitting here in the shade of a Mount Perry Peanut Tree, looking up at the ...
TIMBUKTU, Dec 13th - Last night a car bomb exploded in front of the Timbuktu embassy in Chikata Rabula neighbourhood. No survivors, just meat. That's...
Iran, a country in the Middle East that is located just between Iraq and Pakistan. Mountainous area with 69 million Muslims. And yet, independent of ...
A balm for sores. A soothe for pains. To conquer or not to conquer, This matter called life, Is entirely up to you.
This is just a philosophical approach to rationalize loneliness. There is no antidote, and this article doesn't provide it. Yet, after reading this, t...
First, I must challenge everyone to name a family that is not created by a woman. It is an arrogant comment in some respects, but the facts of Nature...
I think its fair to say that my father and I have come the full circle. From the adoration felt when I was a mere nipper, running round in nappies wit...
I know that The Cheers is an international magazine. I know that for most of the civilized world, baseball doesn't really matter. However, as my loy...
TRAVELLING isnt quite what it used to be. Going off into the big wide world is the opportunity of a lifetime. It gives us the chance to step outside o...
Once I dreamed I was a butterfly, and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamed I was a butterfly, or whether I am a butterfly dreamin...
This is a short piece confronting the morning with a sense of loss. Written as a poetic journal.
Ever run a red light and almost crash? How about doing that every 8 seconds or so, at speeds up to 90mph for three hours straight!
If the rules our parents and grandparents made for marriage aren't working, maybe it's time we created our own. Since each person is different, so ar...
This is a non piece which was written to be a human interest story and it turned into an interesting human story. I don't know what category to put it...
In the wake of England crashing out at the quarterfinal stage at Euro 2004, the limelight is back on England captain David Beckham. Beckham missed a p...
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indee...
Just like the people of many other countries, South Africans are crazy about sports. While almost every sport is played to some degree here, the main ...
Odessa, Ukraine:
A significant quarrel between Ukraines Transport Ministry and ecological , scientific activists was resolved in May. Their differe...
England never has and never shall lie at the feet of a proud conqueror. So it was said.
If you have ever wondered what life would be like if you were born a star, just take a look at the world we live in. You may feel indeed as if you are...
India now can boast of a scientist as President and an Economist/Teacher as the Prime Minister. Both are doctorates in their fields. With such able ha...
We explore the theory of evolution of society in financial terms, has society evolved since the advent of money, and has the world become more positiv...
Life after death is an eternal life. The life that we will never find the death anymore. It is different life from the life in the world.
When he woke, tiny fingers of light were just beginning to wander through the curtains. These fingers moved playfully... teasingly? across the room, ...
60 Minutes recently broadcast photographs of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. Should Mr. Rumsfeld resign for these abuses?
I was seated at the shores of the beautiful Lake Victoria, in Uganda, with magnificent scenery and a cool breeze sweeping though, cooling down my sun ...
We have become a nation of docile sheep being led to slaughter with strobe lights on. The average citizen gets to see the truth in blips and phrases ...

Every eagle has its own sky to conquer, to spread its wings, and soar high, beyond the horizon, far to the apex of success. The power, the glamour, th...
Aristide has finally toppled Prime Minister Gerard Latortue is in power
What was an appalling and degrading dictatorship masquerading as democracy...
We enter another week in the wacky world of politics. Let's take a look from around the world.
It is the centenary year of the Indian cooperative movement. All the cooperative organizations at various levels are preparing themselves to celebrate...
The beginning of the possible end--two horror icons battle it out to see who has the biggest machete. The loser? Audiences.
Many maintain that temporal lobe epilepsy is connected to divine encounters, artistic creation and fearful visitations from other realms. But can it r...
Life just keeps getting more technical - computers, cell phones, space ships - but do we know what's going on or are these tools as well understood as...
The second most powerful office in the world is that of the Vice President of the United States, but what do we know about the office?
On Monday, March 22nd 2004, Israel succeeded in killing Syekh Ahmad Yassin, the leader of Hamas Palestine, by air attack in Sabra, Gaza Line, after fa...
If only someone were to ask me how I feel and what I go through in my life! This is what I would say from my heart... If growing up was a person, it ...
Americans have twice ousted governments in Haiti in the last dozen years. Is this a sign of failed American policy towards our island neighbor?
Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me
Don't let me out of your sight
I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite
So don't let me have any rights
Most everybody gains some weight during the wintertime. Cmon youre allowed a touch. After all, you only have to look at your dog or cat to know that...
President Bush has committed the United States to land a man on Mars by 2010.
Apart from the Arab world and colleagues from many other countries, for reasons of religion, culture and tradition chose not to honour the day of Dec ...
Peek into the life of a single mother and the situations she must deal with on a day to day bases.
French Missles found in Iraq were made after 9-11 and sold to Saddam Hussein.