Tech Focus: Can Depression Be "Technology Malleable?"
Many things come to mind when mention is made of technology. Our discussion begins with assessing social media use and any potential correlation to depression. Multiple studies have been conducted regarding the increased use of social media and rates of depression among adolescents. When young people tend to immerse themselves in social media, studies suggest that elevated levels of depression are reported vs. groups of people who spend less time on social medi... continue reading
Many things come to mind when mention is made of technology. Our discussion begins with assessing social media use and any potential correlation to depression. Multiple studies have been conducted regarding the increased use of social media and rates of depression among adolescents. When young people tend to immerse themselves in social media, studies suggest that elevated levels of depression are reported vs. groups of people who spend less time on social medi... continue reading
The procedures and capabilities in the modern healthcare industry have grown exponentially over the past century.

People say that a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear, and they could not be more right. Having a beautiful smile can be life changing.

Cannabis is a plant known under different names: marijuana, pot, weed, etc. This plant's main characteristic is its unique properties that make it ido...

Healthcare is not only a key staple within modern society but also a vital sector for employment. In the US, for example, it is estimated that around ...

The first malaria vaccine in the world is about to be tested in Malawi. The vaccine is meant to give partial protection to children.

Picture this. It's 1987. Your parents are sitting in their family room on the couch, dimmed lights, and watching TV.

As the new outbreak of Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has become the second-worst in history, after the West African epidemic just a ...

If there is ever a constant in this crazy thing called life, that would be a change. From evolving our personal style to our music choices, likes and ...

Hair loss is a syndrome that causes severe frustration and awful self-esteem problems on the affected person. It is wide known that hair is not only a...

There have been many stories about microwave in the past and whether it's actually healthy to cook your food using a microwave oven. Or if it is gener...

The idea of vegetarianism and veganism is becoming more popular every day, for more than one reason. But is it sustainable?

Two drugmakers, Swiss Novartis and French Sanofi, said on Wednesday that they are stockpiling drugs in preparation for a messy Brexit. Meaning for the...

Suffering an injury as a result of an incorrect medical procedure, diagnosis or treatment can be traumatic at best, life-threatening at worse.

Basundhara (not her real name) often comes to the press club for meeting friends and kill extra time. Though she is working in the news desk of an Ass...

According to a new research, if you're sitting for long periods of time, exercise is not enough to avoid health risks. Instead, regular movement is ne...

Having a healthy snack in between meals is an effective way to get the additional nutrients in your diet.

I've personally always looked at beer as healthy thing - after all, it's all water and vitamins, you just need to be careful not to get a vitamin over...

Have you always wanted to change the world for the better? If so, then why not consider getting your master of engineering in biomedical engineering ...

According to a study, the risk of having a baby with autism can increase remarkably if you have a fever during your pregnancy, especially during the s...

An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Eric Leduc, has praised the considerable investment being directed towards the Jacksonville Medical industry.

It's getting to that time of the year where our diets and our motivation start to stall but, before you throw in the towel, ask yourself this - are yo...

It is totally frustrating when you have done everything you possibly could to lose weight, but you still haven’t achieved your goal.

Through anger people are killed by the hands of the people possessed by it. Anger has embarrassed us and made us feel ugly. Today, I want us to call...

If you aren't exactly a nutritionist or a fitness guru, then getting lean and in-shape can be difficult. By asking experts or just doing some research...

We all strive to be healthy, whether we actually recognize and admit it or not. We all strive to feel the best we can at all times and the way to do i...

Removing a tick is easy, and it requires the same action whether you are removing it from your dog or a human being. It's true that there are many tic...

Stroke is a serious health condition typically associated with older people. It is true that the risk of having a stroke increases with age, but it is...

That's right, the newly "legally" accepted word selfie has been making waves with even presidents and prime ministers taking selfies of themselves. Wh...

You may know Kristin Chenoweth as a singer or an actress, she also has credits in musical theatre. Many of the fans of great TV series might know her ...

It's a sobering fact that the costs of cancer related medical expenditures are expected to reach about $158 billion by 2020. Medical expenditures that...

In a rare case a young girl’s back problem was diagnosed through thick hair that was growing on her back.

Macy's introduced a red dress pin sale to boost up some of their charitable campaigns.

According to 2010 U.S. census statistics, over thirty million Americans are receiving Social Security Disability. The term "disabled" serves as an umb...

The world of science and studies conducted around the world have proven that if you want to stay healthy, floating might be the only way to go, becaus...

Running is one of the best ways to get cardiovascular exercise. It raises your heart rate and works a lot of areas in your body, great for shedding an...

Bean bags are traditionally thought of as a means for lounging, relaxing and playing - but medical bean bags have a more important benefit - as these ...

Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and more than 5 million people are currently living with it. In recognition of the ...

Do you feel as though you have been slacking on dental care? If so, you have to make changes. It's up to you to care for you teeth and the following a...

According to statistics, around the world children are dying from totally preventable diseases. Diseases that are preventable through the use of diffe...

The journey toward safe, healthy and lasting weight loss can be difficult. Permanent weight loss success can remain elusive, despite your best efforts...

We usually realize our bodies need our attention because something hurts, isn't working right or doesn't look right. One area where every person has s...

Spring is in the air! The weather is heating up and summer is just around the corner. No worries because your body is beach perfect year round! Maybe ...

Chances are that you may have heard of gout before, or maybe you haven't, but there are even greater chances that even if you have heard about it, you...

"What constitutes a healthy diet?" Google this question and you will find numerous answers. Some of the answers may be true but some are half-truths f...

Eye conditions come in various forms. Due to technology advancement, most of these conditions are easy to correct. One of the ways to do this is by us...
Julie Bowen, known to many as one of the co-stars from the entertaining law series Boston Legal, has joined Mylan Specialty L.P. to launch Health Awar...
Life, it's not just beer. These are the voyages of the health-conscious people. It's continuing mission: to explore strange new foods, to seek out new...
Who needs healthcare in a "Christian nation"? This is a "Christian nation" -- so they say. This saviour Jesus Christ has the power to heal. Not only...
Most people don’t know this but drinking wine can actually make you more intelligent.
Most people enjoy a nice wine; the smooth berry beverage essential within health and happiness.
There are some major benefits of being fit. You can do more, you live longer, you feel better, and more alive. There is no easy road to burning calori...
Heat and Exercise: Grin and Bear it4,000 women ran in the New York Mini, a 10k race. The winning time of 32 minutes and 43 seconds was the slowest tim...
Cardio 101 - Increase the Effectiveness of Your Cardio WorkThere are three components that play a role in determining the effectiveness of your cardio...
We are so busy being stressed and cooped up in ourselves and our lives, that we sometimes forget the importance of simply breathing, and not just out ...
Looking great in short shorts and flirty skirts can be your reality, because just a stability ball, weights and a step can give you great legs. In abo...
Fit, not Frail: Exercise as a Tonic for Aging Did you know that every hour of every day, 330 Americans turn 60? When our bodies start to go snap, crac...
We really can effect how long we live, and to think all it takes is adding some nutrients to your diet, and some enjoyment towards the little things. ...
Have you ever wondered how your brain knows when you’re getting full? I mean, sure, you are eating and eventually your stomach fills up, but how does ...
When I think of yoga, images of peace and harmony spring into my head. I think of slow, intricate postures performed with the goal of unifying my body...
The heatwave in NYC snapped last week, but it’s still pretty hot outside and it won’t be cooler for a while. No matter where you live though, summer i...
Nothing motivates people quite like a vacation. The sun, the water, the beach. Many of you will kick your exercise routine into high gear or start wor...
I know there are so many strains of yoga — and for the yoga purists it might seem overwhelming, daunting and just plain hokey. Well not to thousands o...
Caffeine can creep into our diets in other ways too. Caffeine is a popular additive in weight loss pills. With all this caffeine around us, do we real...
It starts as a dull sensation in the back of your head, nothing to worry about, but it keeps growing, louder and stronger, until you can’t ignore it a...
If you’re on Facebook like me (and let’s be honest, millions of us are), odds are good that you’ve been invited to bite, rate, vote on, compare or buy...
Caffeine is extremely present in our instant fix society today. There are places (Astor Place in New York) where you can literally see, without turnin...
Caffeine is extremely present in our instant fix society today. There are places (Astor Place in New York) where you can literally see, without turnin...
Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling flat, like you have no energy? Something is off, you've rested all night, but you can’t place your finger o...
Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling flat, like you have no energy? Something is off, you've rested all night, but you can’t place your finger ...
Did you know a coconut isn't a nut at all, but is a drupe? I know, that's what I said. What's a drupe?
10 exercises to help you lose fat and gain muscle with minimal effort - my get fit guide! Everyone wants to be fit, in shape and look great. The bes...
For most people Sciatica and back pain can be improved with exercise and natural treament. Massages, heat/ice and active exercise are all effective. ...
So what is E coli? Believe it or not it is a necessary evil in humans as it provides the vitamin K needed for good health. E coli is found in the larg...
I was reading about Allostasis today while catching up on some homework for health psychology and I wanted to illustrate how this concept has been dim...
I have been absent for a couple of weeks trying to get things settled with the car accident I was in the first part of October as well as dealing with...
Girls as young as 12 years of age are buying rapid weight-loss products in order to starve themselves to achieve the super-skinny figures of their cel...
I was a victim once again of theft in my neighborhood. I had my books stolen out of my car this past weekend and my sons video games that we had just ...
First off let me tell you what imagery is. Imagery involves all the
senses, visual, kinesthetic, auditory, tactile, and olfactory. It also includes m...
Motivation often wanes when we are three weeks into a diet and we aren’t getting those fast results we had hoped we would see.
A prayer for a sick child? You are faced with a situation that there is no known cure, not much research being done and consequently treatments and me...
Want to have a weekend retreat but don't have a lot of money? Like to get away from it all but don't know how or how to get started? Please follow my ...

The legalization of marijuana seems to create more questions than ever before. Who would it benefit? Furthermore, would it create more problems in the...
Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is a green single-cell type of algae that has existed on earth for over 2.5 billion years. It is derived from a Latin word meani...
“Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me,” are familiar lyrics to a 90’s rap song by Salt n Pepper. However, they used this as message ...
Almost everybody worries about what will happen when they face a stressful and scary situation. The prospect of not knowing what to do can be frighten...
A few tips for managing anxiety and depression
I thought this week I would write more on stress management as that has pretty much been a focus area for me for what seems like awhile now.
So, you're stressed out. You woke up to a blaring alarm clock, got up and went to the kitchen only to realize you forgot to get the coffee pot ready ...
To start off I would like to thank Siim for taking me on as a health writer. I promise you will enjoy what you read from me or at least come away slig...
The female body is often viewed as an object of beauty, intrigue and sexuality. When discussing a woman's body many features come to mind: smooth skin...
Computer Scientists have come up with many different forms of technology that have wowed their audience. Now they are coming up with computerized robo...
Now, more news of bosses screwing former employees. Shh... loyalty is a 4-letter word in corporate America.
The Employee Benefit Research Institut...
First, I must challenge everyone to name a family that is not created by a woman. It is an arrogant comment in some respects, but the facts of Nature...
Betsy Driver is an intersex adult, who has been kind enough to share her story and her thoughts with us. She is also the co-founder of an organization...
Dr. Sean Bush is not only a highly qualified emergency physician but is also considered a leading expert on snakes and the treatment of snake bites. H...
I lived for several years on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It is a tropical island setting with a wealth of beauty and lots of things to do. We live...

Dysthymic disorder is a chronic form of depression. Although it is milder than other types of depression, including manic depressive disorder, it is s...
Michael DeMarco, MS, is a psychotherapist who works with those whose gender isnt always as clear cut as it is for many of us. Some of his clients are ...
This is the experiences of a woman who has had ECT and has contributed to the information available for other patients facing the same decisions.
Almost every household in developed countries owns a TV. People, like me, who have chosen not to buy one are considered weird by many others. Who is r...
Electroconvulsive therapy is one of the most controversial procedures in the practice of psychiatry. Why is it still used and why do people still agr...
On March 11 Utah authorities charged Melissa Ann Rowland with murder in the death of one of her unborn twins. The charges stem from Rowland's refusal...
Our immune systems are geared to fight invading organisms that could otherwise harm us. But with autoimmune diseases our immune systems don't function...
Most everybody gains some weight during the wintertime. Cmon youre allowed a touch. After all, you only have to look at your dog or cat to know that...
So what exactly are the democratic primaries, you may ask. In general, the primaries are elections in America that the Democratic and Republican parti...