E-Readers, eBooks, files on computers- that’s the shape of reading in 2016. A few years ago, I gave a copy of a book I had written to a county library in Southern Ontario. I still have the press release. (encl)
It was a CD with a pdf file of the novel on it and a label stuck onto the disk with a device called the Stomper., which is still sold. That was 2006. Fast forward 14 years and things are quite different. In many ways.
E-readers have become start of the art, pocket and purse sized, many of them back... continue reading
It was a CD with a pdf file of the novel on it and a label stuck onto the disk with a device called the Stomper., which is still sold. That was 2006. Fast forward 14 years and things are quite different. In many ways.
E-readers have become start of the art, pocket and purse sized, many of them back... continue reading

This is from a writer named Tom Sterner-Howe, who was gracious enough to send it to me for posting in the Christmas/holiday issue, which is this comin...

Reece Pocock's compelling new police procedural crime thriller follows a major crime squad as they track down a killer who possesses a devious mind sh...
The duck, chicken and pig spirits were dancing happily in a circle, anticipating the ransom due them. The duck was particularly happy. He was rich but...
There was once a very powerful magical baby. He is destined to rule the entire universe.
Young Reg discovered sex in the shearer's quarters. But he was soon to discover that Jezebel had more to achieve than sex.
The Battle of the Third of August is etched into the history of the 2/43rd Battalion. This is a fictionised version based on the facts.
After twenty five years of marriage she finds herself sitting on a park bench watching a young couple take their vows...don't do it, she wants to say....
Life is a dream that no one wants to wake up from. Death is a life that has no dreams.
Marketing Tips for Authors is an article that offers various tips for authors to market themselves and books.
Momma's Journey
by Afrika Midnight Asha Abney
Momma's Journey is a collection of poems about motherhood written by Afrika Midnight Asha Abney. So...
Why learn calculus? Boris asked himself again as he walked to his class at the local university where he was registered as a non-credit student. At fo...
The only reason Reggie Barstow took the custodial job at Lab Tech was to explain how he had enough money to afford 10 cars.
She couldn't possibly know what she had got herself into. The bad crowd was the one she called her friends. She was baffled at finding herself running...
She liked the boy in her dog house. Yes there was a boy living in her dog house.
"Can't I please paint your picture?" He asked, his puppy dog eyes pleading with my cold blue ones. I shook my head, letting my blond curls tumble down...
I stared at his intense seaweed green eyes. He was purring excitedly even though he was obviously pissed. He just loved our girl so much and was so ha...
Golden curtains of light flowing through the crystalline glass of the chandeliers. Monochromatically coloured attire adorned by monochromatic men bala...
She was Prissie from Brissie. He was the Nothingman from Nottingham. Why the names? Straightforward where she is concerned. Her name is Priscilla, she...
Hello friends Doing something different this week, bear with me.
What if George W Bush would leave office?
Would we truly be free?
Free from the ...
This is the first instalment of a series of short stories titled "The Adventures of Froggy the Frog"
The coffee establishment was practically empty now. Newspaper ink branded my fist as damnable evidence of yet another crossword undone.
It was back in the early part of 1986 when I sat in my doctors office and listened to him tell me I had diabetes. It was a shock but I had known somet...
In recent years there have been great forward strides by the Mount Perry Scientific Community. One of the greatest of these strides has been in the ag...
Only recently has the Mount Perry Archeological Society been able to translate the scrolls found hidden inside hundreds of clay jars, hidden deep in t...
There's a reason for everything, this is how Kissimee Florida got it's name.
Commandments Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord. But I love you. Accept Jesus or be damned to eternal hell.
Jermaine Johnson and Edward Diner were high school friends. After finishing high school, they remained friends. Working regular jobs during the week, ...
"Hut!" Greg called out twenty minutes before the first bell at Dixon High School. He stood in Coach Marconi’s office in the gym. A smile decorated his...

In the ongoing effort to improve transportation between Mount Perry, Florida and Tallahassee, the state capitol, a consortium of investors have banded...
Every time my hired death dealing pest control people arrive, they fill the mouse bait tray and each month the bait vanishes but the mouse population ...
Introduction Ms.Rhonda M. Lawson author of Cheating In The Next Room is determined to stay in publishing, She has been writing since she was a teenag...
To solve the problem of transportation across the morose swamps surrounding Mount Perry, our fearless leaders build a giant Air Ship.
A beefy catcher made me the offer while our softball team chugged $1 domestic beers at Jackhammer, a bar on Chicago’s far north side. It was mid-Septe...

It's a hot day here in the middle of Mount Perry, Florida. But I am content sitting here in the shade of a Mount Perry Peanut Tree, looking up at the ...
In order for one to appreciate my dilemma, one must first understand that I hate spiders. Not just some spiders, but all spiders. I think somehow the ...
Exploring your talents within. If I was a novelist I would work on a fiction novel. The characters in the story would have an opening twist to grab t...
As the clock ticks closer towards noon, my heart fills with dread, for the whore is coming. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, I try to let the negative...
Willy fell from the bridge pathway of the cyber forest into a neon maelstrom. Bright flashes, bolts of instant lightning, excited into existence an i...
Once I dreamed I was a butterfly, and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamed I was a butterfly, or whether I am a butterfly dreamin...
This is a short piece confronting the morning with a sense of loss. Written as a poetic journal.
It was a dark and windy night when Jabu was visited by the political campaigners. The wind howled around the tin shack that he had built here on some ...
It was just after midnight and it was raining. Somehow sitting there, watching the rain through those plate glass windows that surrounded the L-shaped...
When he woke, tiny fingers of light were just beginning to wander through the curtains. These fingers moved playfully... teasingly? across the room, ...
Adam Mann looses wife, daughter, friends, business, and mind. All of it for the pursuit of a single box and the pleasure it brings.
Olivia, the female heroine, spends too much time in front of the mirror and is dupmed by her boyfriend. She tries to win him back with the help of ano...