It is no wonder the French were not behind American efforts to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. They were selling missles to Iraq, even after 9-11. It has been brought to my attention by someone on the ground that missles were found manufactured in 2002. The French have denied that they were selling missles to Saddam Hussein, but the evidence has shown otherwise. We often wondered why the French did not stand behind us when we went into Iraq. I think we have our answer.

This is not the first time the French have violated international treaties. They were responsible for the proliferation if nuclear weapons to the Israelis. This violates the treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty signed in 1968. Nowhere did we see this reported. Our current administration did not tell us and you would think that they owuld not keep this secret. What other secrets is this administration keeping from us about Iraq? We must ask ourselves this very question. As Americans it is our duty, no our right, to question our politicians about their conduct. I know that we do not know all of the inner workings of foreign policy, but this is something that should not be kept from the public. My question to the American public is "What else is being hidden about our allies?"