Stranger things have happened, I guess, but based on the latest news, Japan cyber security minister Yoshitaka Sakurada has never used a computer and doesn't even really know what an USB drive is.
Yoshitaka Sakurada is the deputy chief of the government's cyber security strategy office and he is also the minister in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games that Tokyo will be hosting in 2020.
He admitted during a parliament session that he has never used a computer, saying that "Since the age of 25, I have in... continue reading
Yoshitaka Sakurada is the deputy chief of the government's cyber security strategy office and he is also the minister in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games that Tokyo will be hosting in 2020.
He admitted during a parliament session that he has never used a computer, saying that "Since the age of 25, I have in... continue reading

While Net Neutrality laws were repealed on December 14, 2017 in the United States, and took effect on June 11, 2018 (although a U.S. Senate vote to up...

Boring Company, another one of Elon Musk's ventures, is planning to build a high-speed transportation link to the Chicago's airport that will be power...

Tesla and Elon Musk have been in the news a lot lately with different stories - from innovation to genius of Musk, from ramblings of Musk to how Tesla...

Youtube announced on Monday that they took down more than 8 million videos in violation with their guidelines within a span of three months, between O...

On Thursday last week The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed net-neutrality rules that said all websites, or all web traffic, must be tr...

The Internet has changed significantly over the past few years. Today, the Internet is more accessible and more convenient than ever before. In the pa...

In September Musk made a bet on Twitter, saying that he can solve the power problem in South Australia in 100 days, or it will be built free of charge...

Even to the surprise of Apple itself, their most expensive smartphone yet, the iPhone X, sold out in less than 10 minutes after it was made available ...

Elon musk tweeted on Thursday that Tesla can help Puerto Rico with a long-term solution in getting the island's lights back on, by rebuilding Puerto R...

Since its 18th Century beginnings, Roulette has riveted players becoming one of the best loved games in land based casinos and more recently, online.

Mobile devices are on the way to overtake computers as the principle method by which we connect to the internet. The online game of roulette has alrea...

I'm talking about the replacement of your laptop computer. We already have phones with projection capabilities, such as Samsung Galaxy Beam. Whatever ...

Ever thought of clothes that you can wear throughout all seasons and look fashionable at the same time feel well dressed. Then this is where technolog...

There are movies that entertain you, frighten you, and enlighten you. Then there are movies that trigger your brain of a possible invention that might...

The technological revolution has electronics manufacturers out doing each other almost on a daily basis. What is the best and fastest today will be an...
DSE is the world's largest international trade show and conference dedicated to digital signage, interactive technology and digital out-of-home networ...
Casey Abrams, the American Idol contestant for Season 10, has promised to shave his beard if certain requirements are met in the IBD Icons campaign.
It’s hard for to fathom what technology was like 50 years ago. In fact most would agree that the ‘technology age’ has existed in its entirety in the l...
If you aren’t careful technology has a way of leaving you behind faster then you can change the blade on your razor. It is difficult to imagine what t...
As a philosopher I often stand aghast at the speed mania culture we live in. My son's Motor Trend touts the Mazda Speed-3 with this eye-catcher: "H...
When the IT boom happened in India it was thanks to the congress government efforts of globalization. MNC's noticing India's English competency came ...

Best year it is for Apple, but that's normal. Doesn't anyone agree? I didn't used to be much of a Mac fan myself. The first time I used it was in Fran...
Some time (years) ago Google was big. Just big, nothing else. Then it became the biggest and most used search engine in the world. I won't even talk a...
Have you given yourself the permission to write yet? Why not? I know it sounds simplistic but it is really that simple. I am not saying you won’t m...
Talk about PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and the thing that comes to mind is a professional pointing the stylus at the dainty little gizmo. The sty...
It seems old now to be discussing call centers in the current era. But considering the way Automatic Call Distribution Systems (ACDS) have been replac...
The IQ level of a computer is less then the IQ level of a monkey but still some of the geniuses think that one day computers will over take the human ...
Businesses must invest in a centrally controlled, advanced operating system, rather than going for those free cast-offs, whose behaviour is not determ...
There was a time when computer buffs and professionals were a rarity. A handful IT professionals were working in their cool corporate offices and were...
Windows 98 seems to be dwindling in use, but my experience tells me that in the countries where it costs too much to avail ones self of the latest sof...
"The Cheers is pleased to announce the new Computing Q&A section. In this section the readers can ask their computing related problems which may vary ...
What parameters to consider when adopting a technology for software development for lifetime?
This article elucidates the possible advantages an Organization my extract out after implementing Intranet in their procedures.
This article gives you an insight on how a good Intranet should be planned and how its reliability can be ensured.
By definition Intranet is an environment, which implements Internet Applications like HTTP, WWW, Email, FTP etc. over a LAN, whereas the term LAN does...
This article is open to read for everyone, but is specifically targeted to Network Adminstrators who have to re-install Windows every time they forget...
President Bush has committed the United States to land a man on Mars by 2010.