For example, if you do not focus on investing in yourself, then you can miss crucial flaws in your skillset and in your offering, which could result in your leadership not being as strong as it could be. This is what you need to be thinking about to give yourself the best shot at being a great nurse leader.
Building Strong Communication Skills
Overlooking important areas of your offering, such as strong communication skills, could be disastrous for your leadership career. All good leaders are strong and effect... continue reading
Building Strong Communication Skills
Overlooking important areas of your offering, such as strong communication skills, could be disastrous for your leadership career. All good leaders are strong and effect... continue reading

If you are the sort of person who is always on the go and ready to meet people, you need to make sure that you are living in just the right place. The...

When you are fixing up a house, there is a long list of things to do. The list includes what color to paint the walls, whether or not to install new f...

Many professions have numerous benefits included with them, and those in the armed forces are no exception.

No one saw a global pandemic coming and BAM, then all of us were faced with extended periods of time with ourselves and our homes. Some people found t...

Divorce is a tough thing. It can be tough to cope with separating from your spouse after attempting to build a life together. If you share children, n...

The only way to not be caught driving drunk is to avoid drinking before you get behind the wheel. Some drivers think they can get away with it if they...

The most wonderful time of the year is here, and with the holidays come extra responsibilities - and extra stress. There are gifts to buy, family dinn...

Online shopping is great. You have all the convenience of access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year from anywhere in the world. All you n...

What is an addiction? According to American Society for Addiction Medicine addiction is a "brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in re...

According to a new New York University study, power napping and four-hour sleep schedules are potentially a public health threat.

Birthdays are meant to be full of surprises and yes awesome gifts. Such occasions uplift the spirits and delight the senses.

There's always been the common sense statement around that says - you're not rich enough to get it done cheaply.

There is a popular saying among people who like guns - guns don't kill people, people do. But that might not be so true after all. According to a rece...

The American public is sorely misinformed by a dictatorship that calls itself democracy on the issue of marijuana smoking.

The idea of vegetarianism and veganism is becoming more popular every day, for more than one reason. But is it sustainable?

The Bible tells us in the first verse of Genesis: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

It may be that you're already in possession of all the gardening kits you'll ever need, and probably accumulated it over a period of time.

Did you know that most likely many things you are doing daily you might be doing wrong? Of course, often it doesn't really matter which way you are do...

Buying a dog house these days can be a tedious task, especially there are thousands of options available both online and offline.

While it's not an ongoing thing, yet, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, a stylish contemporary art gallery in Paris, decided to accept nudists in their museum...

Youtube announced on Monday that they took down more than 8 million videos in violation with their guidelines within a span of three months, between O...

For years, you have been driving a smaller vehicle. But lately, as you head to work, run errands or park your car, you find yourself looking longingly...

The end of days has been predicted for decades now, with one of the most famous date behind was Dec 21, 2012, when Nibiru, or Planet X, was supposed t...

Synthetic cannabinoids have been tied to at least 2 deaths among the 56 cases of severe bleeding in central Illinois. The users of the drug, often als...

CNN reports that the Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County has placed buckets of river stones in all class rooms to help students protect...

According to a new research, Great Pacific garbage patch is up to 16 times bigger than previously thought. The waste patch is around twice the size of...

During a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science a study was presented that shows how moderate drinking can lead to longer ...

Money may be the root of all evil, but lack of it isn't far behind, and massive debt can be a living hell for many people.

They are often associated with alcohol or idleness, not with paper writing. Far, not everything is true about what they are talking about. They are a ...

The term underpinning gets talked about a lot by homeowners but what does it actually involve? The guys at Abbey Pynford have produced a helpful guide...

According to a new research, if you're sitting for long periods of time, exercise is not enough to avoid health risks. Instead, regular movement is ne...

Researchers from the University of the West of England conducted a study tracking the weight of more than 1500 primary school students aged 4-11 to s...

Everyone loves getting home from work, opening a bottle of beer and sitting back for a relaxing evening. Whether it's for after-work drinks or relaxin...

When you start out as a performer, especially a 'variety artist' like a juggler you have to take a lot of crappy jobs. Birthday parties are a great ex...

Whether we like it or not, there are grooming rituals that every man needs to carry out to look smart and presentable. But if you have a busy schedule...

The singer Rod Stewart paid the travel cost for children with disabilities so that they could go to DC to protest Medicaid cuts.

There are many ways you can secure a better, brighter financial future. For those working a full-time job and trying to build a career, pursuing that ...

According to the hacker network Anonymous, NASA is about to provide evidence of alien life.

Writing an essay can be hard enough even if you already have the topic you need and some idea of what to say about it. But what can you do if choosing...

Being a student these days is extremely hard as young people are facing a lot of challenges and pressure. Young adults are expected to be successful i...

Gathering and joining the dots which lead to happy ending has never been this delightful. The right piece at the right ridge - what fun!

I remember from my Uni years, or actually from the very beginning, that if I actually wanted to get somewhere, I should never take a shortcut in the u...

Planning relocation to a new house and have no experience in organizing such things? It is extremely easy finding recommendations online or asking fri...

There are always annoying moments in life. I can easily think of queuing for a simple coffee for over 20 minutes, waiting for a computer connection, a...

Spiritualists have been tilting tables since the 1800s - but is it thanks to ghosts or their own latent psychic powers? A group of Sydney researchers ...

Preformed opinions often form the crux of our decision making. First impression is the last impression, we say, but this often would lead to sinister ...

Saving energy is the need of the hour across the world. All forms of energy are expensive, be it electrical, solar or fuel.

If you really want to learn something, try teaching. At this time of the year, in the high school where I've taught for some time, lockers are emptied...

The residents of northeast India, whom the mainstream Indian agencies often consider sympathizers to various separatist militant outfits, joined in 67...

7. Humbly asked the help of others in the removal of our short comings and be resolved to work to remove these faults ourselves.

6. Were entirely ready to practice the program in order to remove all these defects of character.

Admit to our Group, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Step Four: Made a searching and fearless inventory of our character for ourselves.

Step Three: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of this Program and to the loving care of this group.

Step One: We admitted we were powerless over addiction—that our lives had become unmanageable.

Step 2. Came to believe that The Program, as a power greater than ourselves, could help us toward normal living.

There are two important thoughts to keep in mind when we consider what have been called the Twelve Steps of Recovery. First, each step is really an im...

While interviewing hundreds of addicted clients over the years it became obvious to me that addictions are what mental health experts call development...

Euphoria is a good word that today has a negative meaning; it is often used to describe the artificial high or altered state of mind produced by an ad...

If you’re miserable you probably know it even if you think you can’t control it, and you can very likely tell exactly what is making you miserable.

Just as I ask addicts to consider all the different addictions, I urge them to think in a very general way about potential risk factors, situations th...

What addicts do involves either a substance such as alcohol or a behavior like gambling, but that’s just the surface.

We can summarize the conditions that create addictions this way: Risk Factor(s) + Attitude + Dark Feelings + A Trigger = Vulnerability to Addiction

Addictions usually develop over time, and that’s why I think addictions are problems of human development. Although they can and do happen quickly, it...

Historically, people made moral judgments about addictions without doing much about them. Calling addiction a sin, of course, is not very effective in...

I like to write about addictions and about how to live without them, but if you don’t happen to have an addiction, you may be reading this for the wro...

If mental health professionals find problems with my ideas, senior members of the various Twelve Step groups may well join them in the complaint depar...

If you are addicted to something there are people out there who will offer to fix your problem in a hurry with little effort on your part and without ...

In this series of columns I describe a universal and secular self-help program for recovery from addiction. It is universal because it includes all ad...

It’s that time of year when the party season is well and truly over, the weather’s generally awful and there’s not that much to look forward to.

It is possible to have what we honestly feel we deserve in life if we choose not to accept that which we do not deserve. We all reap what we sow. Howe...

I am single and no where close to having a relationship. It seems I have a difficult time settling for just anyone just because he is a man. My dilemm...

Some could say that pizza is almost as old as human kind. They could say that, but they would be wrong, but only with a few thousands, or millions, of...

We live in a world that promotes Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Lifestyles dictate for us to push and push all day long just to say we are not lazy a...

While some people might think that games relating to chance or luck, or whatever else like that, are the things of the recent past, the fact is that g...

I remember when I used to do a lot of scuba diving. I lived in Okinawa at the time and it was a fantastic place to participate in that sport. The wate...

Earlier I mentioned dark feelings and this, I think, is a common factor running through all addictions of whatever sort. Knowing how to live with, con...

The stark realities of global warming and subsequent rising sea-levels are appearing to begin to have major effects on small Caribbean and Pacific Isl...

“You have to take off your T-shirt first and then put on the Green Dress. Don’t put the Green Dress on the T-shirt”, replied the Nurse with a you-are-...

If you’re one of the many folks who find themselves in the dilemma of wanting to grow your own veggies at home but feel you don’t have the space requi...

A friend of mine, every time he goes out, it takes him in the range of 2 to 3 hours to get ready. And yes, you heard me right, it's a HE. I've always ...

Whenever an insurance policy premium is calculated, the policyholder’s age is a key risk rating factor. In some case, being of more mature years will ...

A few years ago, iconic Scotch whisky brand Dewar’s launched an innovative and interactive social media campaign that celebrated the extraordinary dee...

For years we’ve heard that smoking is awful for you. That it stains your teeth, makes you age faster, and kills your lungs. However, some of us still ...

Hookah - the smoking of flavored tobacco through a device holding chambers of water - ranks among the oldest forms of the habit, first appearing in Pe...

I remember when couple of dozen years ago, whenever my parents wanted to make room for something new, the old stuff, if at all preservable, was sent i...

When you’re hunting around the different bookmakers and online casino operators for free bets and bonus cash etc., you’ll quickly notice that it’s the...

Regrettably, there are many people who still prefer to live in the dark where sex is concerned, although I'll never understand why. Yet, much of Amer...

If I were the ask you to tell me the first thing that pops into your mind when I say the words "Dream Job", what would it be? Most will say something ...

I remember when I was a small child I was sitting on my father's lap and driving the car...well, in all honesty just turning the steering-wheel, but I...

Forty-five years ago it rained stones in the town of Mayanup, Western Australia, terrifying farmers and driving people from their homes. Decades later...

Hair loss can be a daunting experience, especially when it happens in younger years. Some men may think that they can rock the manly “skinhead” look w...

Since I was in the Navy, I heard the taunts directed at our Marine Corps. I’ve always thought our leathernecks were tough enough to take these minor i...

The modern man. This phrase has numerous definitions depending on who you’re asking, but one thing could be had in common with this statement: "a man ...

One afternoon, I saw three healthy caterpillars carefully clinging on the leaves of a very healthy plant.

This article is in connection with the 31st Night Molestation Case of Female Tourists at two prominent places in India. I got a chance to catch the de...

It's a festive time of year, and you will have several opportunities to entertain with graduations, Father's Day and weddings to look forward to in th...

Generally speaking, buying gifts for women is difficult. Browsing through racks or shelves, a million questions seem to run through your head: Is this...

Whether you've already been offered a position or you're thinking of starting the job search, deciding to move to another city for a job can be a diff...

Based on estimations, roughly 70 percent of the adult population in the United States are either obese or overweight. Compared the the same number 30 ...

Most,if not all, tobacco smokers are already informed about the risks involved with cigarette smoking. Studies have shown that cigarette smoking can c...

Studying abroad is a great opportunity to get the experience and skills you need for getting the most perspective job. But here you are, with your ove...

The Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) is administered at testing centers throughout the world, including the United States and Canada. Designed to tes...

It's easy to look like an amateur when you try something new - lighting up that first cigar is no exception. You may have qualms about smoking in gen...

You can be too old to go boxing, too old to go skiing, you can be too old to even walk, but you're never too old to fall in love.

There are so many of us these days that experience our sports and our adrenaline-fueled highs vicariously - through the experience of others.

According to American time use survey from 2012, the average American between ages 25 and 54, who is employed and has children, spends 8.8 hours on wo...

After the weekend has ended and the working week has rolled around once more, we are all prone to a dose of the Monday blues. You've got a stack of wo...

All of us have various aspirations. For some it may be a house, for some a great job and for others who aspire to move at the speed of convenience, it...

One of the biggest threats to your home is burglary. Some homes are more susceptible to these burglaries than others due to their layout, the amount o...

I'm 30, but I got my driver's license in spring this year. Why? Well, the fact is that I simply haven't seen the need for them. Truth be told, I went ...

A week ago, it was unfortunate that some of the provinces in the Eastern-Central-Western Visayas Region of the Philippines were badly damaged by Typho...

E-Shisha and E-Cigarettes are some of the amazing products created by modern technology. These products are growing very popular and consider one of t...

At some point, everyone has experienced the trauma of Christmas preparations left until the last minute. It's hard to imagine anything that can be as ...

While the British media remains obsessed with continual growth in the new car sales market, there has also been an explosion in the popularity of used...

Summer may be over, but there is still time to have some fun outside before the snow and constant rain falls on us! Everyone loves the autumn sun; bri...

Getting a house these days, a house that is both affordable and high quality isn't so easy. You often can choose only one of those options. And whethe...

Are you into sweets? Or are members of your family always looking for something deliciously sweet to enjoy throughout the day? Or are you a mom always...

Do you want to play the latest video games but don't think you can afford one of the latest consoles to play them on?

Classic, memorable, breath-taking, unique, important, gratitude; these are just some of the adjectives that one's feel when receiving a sparkling jewe...

A well-organised stag do can be one of the most memorable times of your life. If you are the best man it's up to you to provide your friend with somet...
It's sad to see people injured irrevocably because of other people's negligence. You have three years to kick up a fuss about this mistreatment, but t...

Have you recently looked in your trash bin? Well, I did. I live alone and while I really don't think I'm a big consumer of things, and consider myself...

Has anyone had any green alien sex? William Shatner claims he hasn’t, even though we have all seen him on Star Trek doing that thing. My buddy George ...

Tired of riding the public transportation in going from and to places? Exasperated on always queuing for a taxi when you’re late for work? Then owning...

It was Bud's last mission. And even though he had passed away some time ago, this was one World War Two operation that would be completed, come Hell ...

DIY disasters are the bane of budding home improvement experts everywhere and most of us have a terrible tale to tell. If you’ve had a sore thumb or s...

As the summer season draws closer, thoughts turn to planning fun events for the family. With the average number of BBQs held by a family in the UK qua...

Fresher's week is your first week at university, however it is not limited to first years or 'freshers'. During this week you'll have to put up with y...

For this year's hurricane season 18 named storms have been predicted by the storm prediction gurus of Colorado State University. Last year's season wa...

All of us, without exception, go through the experience of dreaming, but how many understand how we dream or why we dream and, even what we dream? We ...

School teaches a lot. Maybe not everything we need to know, but it gives us a lot. No doubt about that.
But schools tend to fail in teaching the o...

Many years ago I started writing in self-defense. I ran a fairly successful advertising agency and found that I was constantly in the middle of a seri...

May 10, 2004 marked the 10th anniversary of the day serial killer John Wayne Gacy was put to death in Joliet, IL. I'd all but forgotten about him. I w...

Perhaps you wonder where and how can you break the monotony of everyday lifestyle. Maybe flying to another state and discovering what lies ahead in th...

Open the magazine or turn on your TV, check your online mail or scroll through your morning papers, and here it is: the ever present ad, commercial or...

I'll try to expose the discriminations against Indian women, beginning with the origin of such discrimination. I'll also talk about the reform movemen...
If you are looking for an all-in-one social media experience, this might be quite close to it.

It was a crowded citizens' gathering organized at Guwahati Press Club on March 14 that elaborately discussed the wildlife conservation effort in north...
There's a number of myths surrounding cats, myths that people have heard over and over again. But which of them are to be taken seriously, and which o...

Just when you thought a two-person relationship was difficult enough, there is a new phenomenon starting to catch on in the world of relationships - p...
The shul president walks into the Rabbi’s office and horrified, sees that the Rabbi is watching Al Jazeera TV. “Rabbi”, he exclaims, “how could you. A...
Leaders..Yeah! We hate them. But be a leader yourself and you'll find its a tough job!!
I don’t want to die. In fact, as I grow older, I take great steps to increase my lifespan on this rock. I try to exercise, eat a low-fat diet void of ...
The title “dear” is very common in the West according to my knowledge. Possibly it is used mostly for ladies; ladies well known to you for that mat...
Senior investigators employed by the European Aviation Safety Agency have raised serious concerns about the number of recent incidents involving Qanta...
I am sure you would have heard about ‘pay toilets’ and also used it once in a while. You won’t find them in small towns and villages in India. Even ...
While car and truck owners might be feeling besieged by high fuel prices and the associated rises in food prices at the moment, we might have a look a...
The monsoon magic at mesmeric Cherrapunjee, famed as the wettest place on earth, appears to be fading by the day, with the locals seemingly coming to ...
Imagine, you are walking on a city road all by yourself. You see an young woman coming towards you from the opposite direction and is very close to...
Most bets are stupid. I once bet a guy $100 that some time, somewhere a major league baseball team had come back to win a game after being down more t...
The other day I saw a well dressed man urinating into the sewage canal right in broad day light..
There is an alarming trend of women and child being trafficked
from North Eastern region. Awareness and dissemination of information
on the issue is...
While at the top of the food chain, masters of land and sea, blessed with the gifts of knowledge and reason, humans are also garbage-producing fiends....
Isn’t it strange that while most school children detest Monday mornings because they have to go to school after a hectic week end, they look forwa...
People have become quite fanatical with “saving time” these days. In a society where the average American juggles a job (or two) along with a family, ...
The Ipod is the best thing since sliced bread. In fact, it’s way better than sliced bread. Any idiot can pull out a knife and cut off a hunk of rye, b...
There is something special about wild creatures and I would go so far as to say spiritual. By that I mean a communication on a level that is deeper th...
There are pets that come into your life and immediately win you over, and then there are the ones that slowly burrow their way into your heart like a ...
Well, according to the Darwin theory, the human race is supposed to be the descendants of monkeys through the evolution process. In which case, why do...
I notice signs of my advancing age every once in a while. It’s mostly small things like finding a gray hair in my sideburns or having my knees go on s...
Right from my school days I had a great fascination for monkeys, at their way of playing and fighting etc. Whenever there was a monkey show on the r...
People we must realize we are the important presence in this world not the rich and greedy. Without the averge man or woman, they would be nothing.
Fasting is one of the most popular forms of democratic protests in India. The late Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, is perhaps the originator of...
I wrote this article for children. I'm sure some of TheCheers readers have children. Show them this article. It may help to explain the pressure some ...
We've all had that former boss that just got under our skin. Unfortunately, rarely do we get the chance to go back and say the things we wished we ha...
I don’t know about your country but in my India and in my Metropolitan city in particular, I am totally disenchanted with the services provided by va...
Drinking on St. Patrick’s Day is a little like having sex on Valentine’s Day; it’s cliché and it seldom lives up to your expectations. Much like sex, ...
A man keeps his hair according to the existing style when young and according to the existing hair when old. True or not?
Last week some lucky son of a bitch won $275 million dollars in a multi-state lottery. A lot of people would point to this as something that’s wrong w...
Attention all car thieves, if you’re looking for easy pickings, look no further than the upper Midwest of the United States. You can’t walk down the s...
There’s an old joke that goes, Chicago has two seasons, winter and construction, which I guess is funny to those who don’t actually live here. For the...
One of the important landmarks in Madras city, India, is, “St. Thomas Mount” at the southern most end of the city, near the airport. It is a smal...
There is not anything a man can do that a woman cannot do. We have proved this time and time again and will continue all the way to the White House. ...
Ah, here is 14 February ! Another Valentine’s day for the year 2008. The world celebrates this day by sending cards, flowers and gifts to their lov...
Some small incidents or encounters during your young age life, have a tremendous influence on your behaviour, philosophy of life, decision making etc ...
On January 1st, the state of Illinois began an all out smoking ban in public places. This came to me as a bit of a shock. Oh sure, the state had annou...
Call it a good or bad or an undesirable habit. But I can’t give up the practice of stopping someone on a public road and talking with him. “An i...
I’m a fairly stupid man. The Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word stupid as, “implies lack of intelligence or incapacity for perceiving, l...
People dying in conflicts, famine, and road trauma hardly get a mention yet the death of an actor causes such grief around the world. The paparazzi ca...
What is the hall mark of an honest person? Answers may vary. But according to me it is, “To say what he/she means”. This axiom could be put in d...
HAPPY NEW YEAR can only happen as we individually face reality that we are being taken by a system that does not like us.
So, someone snowballed me the other day. I’m not sure that “snowballed” is even a proper verb, but I’ve been using it as such for well over 30 years,...
Are you really allergic to the figure Thirteen? According to my information, people in most parts of the world consider 13 as an unlucky fellow. So...
The world has been always on a ‘trend change’ mode for centuries. Such changes don’t come about overnight but in small doses over a period of time.
There ! The scientific community of our planet are on their warning mission once again.. The latest one is for the Lap top users. Their research has...
She was in the world of films. For how long, one wouldn’t know without some research ! She is reasonably pretty, but prettiness isn’t the only crite...
An overview of cafe life and culture during the 'merry' holiday season, during which many people appear rushed, thoughtless, and rude.
I am sure you too would have harboured some desires in your heart some time or the other but felt helpless to execute them.
Tamil, one of the 15 major languages of India, has borrowed many words from other languages, Sanskrit and English, in particular. These have been acce...
The world has decided we can join together in one conscious and be human in heart and emotions. For this I am thankful for we need a break from being...
If you are an unmarried young woman from India, read this article because it is meant primarily for you.
It is not nice to fool with Mother Nature. It is even worst when you continue to act like you are not doing it. We have gone from calling our food n...
As a retired man and since I have plenty of time on hand, I read through the daily newspaper from the first line to the last. And that includes all t...
Once upon a time in India, ‘cooking’ used to be the prerogative of a woman.
It’s a disease and yet not a disease in the technical sense. If you sit next to a person affected by it you too may contract it.
No one respects you; you go to the Public Distribution office and there the salespersons drive you mad telling you to come on the following day since...
The 1857 War of Independence or Great Mutiny has been directly seared into the national psyches of many countries and impacted a great many more count...
When God created the first Man and Woman, His plan was that for every male child there should be born a female child as well. And God has been keepi...
How to catch a practising Romeo, was the question that had been weighing on the minds of all members of the KV colony Ladies club.
I dont know who vilifies us, Tamilians. I can very well handle queries like above(and I pity what they learnt in their Geography Lectures at School. S...
Grandchildren are special. Especially when you can get them to yourself without their interferring parents. For a short while we enjoyed our granddaug...
Three Muslim reformers, but not as the west knows reforms
The roads in all the Indian Metropolitan cities are flooded with people for at lest 20 hours in a day. So, Chennai which is my city of residence is no...
When Shakespeare wrote that “The world loves a lover”, he must have had in mind a typical beach side panorama. I am not talking about the vast ocean...
Some three or four hundred years back, a marriage in India was solemnized at a very early age. Possibly the girl was five and the boy seven or eight...
On a fine summer morning..while I commuted through the train..I came to know that the crowd wasnt the only problem that I had to face.. a tiny insect ...
They do, according to me. I cannot say for sure if they indulge in this game with other horses but certainly they display it in full measure with t...
This week, I am going to tell you all about one of the things that I love most about England. It is the fact that you can get access to an abundance o...
Death is something that is inevitable in our lifetime. One day we will die, one day our siblings will die, our friends will die, our pets will die and...
There are clinics for treating physical pain all over the United States, but emotional distress, one of the chief obstacles in the path to a normal ex...
I thought it would be a good idea to start this column off with one of the most obvious parts of life in Britain: The English Language. The following ...

If Mark Twain were alive today, he might amend his famous quote to say, "There are lies, damn lies and marketing gimmicks." Of course, no one would l...
Discussing the basic activities of a morning day before starting off to work and starting off your day...
In general, there are two kinds of therapist qualifications: (1) earned degrees and, (2) licenses and certifications. Some clinicians, of course, may ...
Problems confront addicts when they decide to seek mental health services. They can be serious problems, but they are not impossible. Here are a few o...
In the days when I was working as a clinical psychologist in hospital programs where we treated addictive behavior, it was common to have members of T...
I remind the reader who may be studying these choices that I have not announced my own preference in terms of which of the choices, A or B, I think is...
No one really teaches us the whole story on how to live in the world. We learn some of what works and some of what causes pain. We learn what people l...

In this chapter I finish a brief discussion of each of my proposed dimensions of noble character that I claim are important qualities of thought and b...
If normal is to be the standard towards which we strive, exactly what qualities of personality will be important? What will we try to measure, learn, ...
Beyond finding problems and flaws in the thinking of others, a philosopher might go the next step and offer some better path to what we hold as a valu...
Normophobia: I made that word up myself. At least I’ve never seen it used anywhere, but I could be wrong. Being wrong once in a while is normal and th...
The Steps, Traditions, and Promises of Alcoholics Anonymous have become important to millions of people throughout the world. In early chapters of thi...
Before travelling abroad, you should be equipped with as much information as possible. This means you should learn the customs regulations for passen...
A lot of the world population undergoes it. No one is spared. Right from Gauri Khan - SRK’s wife- to the local professor's wife. Some by choice, other...
The last three steps in the recovery program deal with personal growth, a renewed growth that is possible after some amount of clean and sober time. B...
8. Made a list of all persons we harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people whenever possible, exc...