So, the cards are all sent; received cards are standing on any exposed surface with sufficient area to take them. The presents are all wrapped and under the Christmas tree waiting to be distributed on the day, or hidden until Father Christmas leaves them for the kids on Christmas eve.
You’ve lied to the kids about Father Christmas on his sleigh that conveniently flies through the air in countries with no snow. Somehow, come to terms with the lack of trust those lies will cause in the future and the encouragement... continue reading
You’ve lied to the kids about Father Christmas on his sleigh that conveniently flies through the air in countries with no snow. Somehow, come to terms with the lack of trust those lies will cause in the future and the encouragement... continue reading

Moreover, in the final analysis, it’s not so much sex that sells, but the promise or the allure of it. Advertisers and psychologists have been studyin...

Ever since the end of the Cold War, Russia has been looking at modernising its defence structures and equipment but never had the money or the experti...

The vast majority of people who join cults were approached at a very low period of their lives. They may have been suffering from deep depression, gri...

While I would be the first person to defend anyone's right to practice their chosen religion unhindered and where and when they please, and while I al...

Here are TOP 21 songs about addictions. Whether you have an addiction or just want to see what the world's top performers are singing about addictions...
I first noticed it at a Flogging Molly concert in Philadelphia: a young man wearing a tee shirt identifying himself as a sniper. I immediately underst...
Remember a man named Tony Blair? Yep, that's him.
He was the one who ventured into an illegal war in Iraq together with his other two grubby littl...
I can remember saying, on this very site in fact, and on 7th March 2007, that the CIA (Central Intelligence Organisation) was acting like a terrorist ...
When the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York occurred, the immediate aftermath, in terms of revised and additional anti-terrorism legislation just ...
What is it with so-called religious leaders that even entices them into running countries and stuffing them in the process? Their motivation has certa...
Bali is perhaps one of the world's best known tourism destinations and while I have no great love for Bali as a resort destination, I do admire Baline...
Vanuatu is a small island nation located in the Western Pacific east of Australia. Consisting of numerous small islands, the country was once ruled by...
Given the parlous state of the world-wide aviation industry at the moment, I am not surprised that crashes such as recent crash events with the variou...
With the latest advent of the law advocating ’legal’ rape against married women, is there such a thing as democracy and women’s rights in Afghanistan....
I am extremely pleased to announce that the year 2010 will be known as the "Visit Afghanistan Year 2010" and for the purpose, I have pleasure announci...
Burma, or Myanmar as it is called these days, is one of the largest South East Asian countries within that region.
Travelwise was designed to provide prospective traveller with information that neither travel agents and/or representatives of the tourist and travel ...
I was recently asked if I had any desire to visit Burma. My answer, "You have got to be kidding. Why would I want to visit a country that is ruled by ...
New Zealand is one of those countries that people from around the world should visit at least once in a lifetime.
Timor-Leste, or perhaps better known as East Timor, is one of the world's newest independent nations. It is located between Indonesia and Australia an...
Try this one for stupidity.
Chinese Government owned company, Chinalco, tries to buy into Anglo-Australian iron ore miner, Rio Tinto, and fails in...
One would have though that after two successive coups and one attempted one, the nation of Fiji would have had enough of trumped-up little military di...
While another country has now decided to develop and/or obtain nuclear weapons, we really must be wondering as to what the IAEA (International Atomic ...
Much consternation in Australia about a news article published by Australia's national newspaper "The Australian" in relation to an impending raid on ...
The menace of suicide bombers walking into hotels and other places where people congregate has become so widespread that one must be wondering as to w...
There Is More To Be Made Robbing People Working For A Bank.
Ah yes indeed. What is the difference between a gangster and a banker? None really, the...
China is country of contradictions.
On one hand there is the China with a growing economy, increasing consumer consumption and better living stand...
Remember the war in Iraq, one of the two? Take your pick.
One was because Saddam invaded Kuwait, a country that was growing oil and not oranges whi...
If this is all we have to look forward to in basketball, we might as well turn to "I KNOW I CAN DANCE".
Americans love their guns and insist on the right to have them.
Phenomenological analysis of “social groups” must conclude that the concept of human social groups, if extended beyond the purely physical, is an illu...
The shining light of European democracy, fairness, and human rights justice, The Netherlands, is turning out not so democratic, fair and just after al...
Creativity and advertising go together like Sarin gas and subways- a noxious ride along the underbelly of capitalist society.
The first job of the agnostic is constructive skepticism, not just about the lies of religion, but about most worldly matters such as education.
Don’t let the wine snobs fool you. With these five simple techniques, you will be able to sample the nectar of the Gods with complete confidence (as w...
Conspiracy theories are rife in this new century we live in. In the post-9/11 world it seems that everyone has a theory or has heard suspicious eviden...
Barack Obama galvanized a large slice of the American pie, people who, for a long time, felt disenfranchised.
Barak Obama is taking what may be the final exam in US Economics. The world is keeping score on and the United States will ultimately receive the grad...
It should not be a surprise that the next four years will be a never ending barrage of thoughts and opinions about Barack Obama. After all, the man h...
Having spent over 40 years examining, researching, and teaching in the field of Death & Dying (Thanatology), I prefer to classify the events for which...
Some people might have choked on their collective breakfasts when it was announced that former Prime Ministers Howard and Blair would receive US Freed...
While there may well be a ceasefire current between Israel and Hamas, the trouble between the two protagonists is a long way from over and prospects f...
"We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next........I
mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one family w...
Most people would think that actions related to the term 'terrorism' is a rather recent phenomenon when in fact, terrorism as an act, dates back to th...
I remember when the movie Independence Day came out in theatres. It was a decent success—the plot was heroic enough. I watched Independence Day for wh...
Terrorism is the systematic use of apparently random violence to instil fear in a population such that it will force its leadership to change policies...
I think most clear-thinking people would by now have just about had enough of Israel and its grubby tactics, tactics that have cost the world billions...
The United Nations, as a humanitarian organisation, has done an enormous amount of good work and I would be the first person to recognise the benefits...
Global warming is not a problem. It’s a solution. Humans are the problem and nature is trying to solving it?
Bush goes bust, Obama rises, white kids lose their minds and so on.
The United States lost about 45,000 soldiers in Korea in the early 1950s. Had we stayed out of that conflict, the two Koreas might very well have unit...
Religious organizations will never do it, so perhaps it takes an agnostic to call for legal controls on greed.
The United States government has been waging a War on Sex for decades. Like the failed War on Drugs, the inability to banish popular interest in sex i...
The existance of UFOs and extra terrestrial activity explored and (hopefully) explained.
As far as world problems go, addiction is right up there with global warming, and terrorism.
Should religion still be as important in the selection process for the President of the United States of America?
One sharp contrast today in the American election is that between the candidates’ wives. Every day we see television shots of both McCain and Obama gi...
Candidates for President are selected by using influence and money. It is a pity the US does not elect on merit. That is, the best man for the job.
There is no mistaking it; the results of the 2008 U.S. Election will create hysteria...er, I mean, history.
Many years ago another psychologist and I at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio did a study of weight control among women.
Since the fall of the Soviet Empire, Russia has tried to regain some influence and credibility in a world that does not look kindly upon Russia in ter...
What is the affect of the current political campaign on the relationship with Russia? Where do our candidates stand? Does it really matter who is elec...