NRA, the National Rifle Association, has long been using firearms massacres to promote their products - guns. Their answer to any kind of gun related killing is to give more guns to more people. If you thought we're living in a utopia, and that would somehow take the guns off the hands of people who shouldn't have them, that might make sense. If you thought everyone having a gun on them at all times, people could protect themselves, that might make sense in Wild West as well.
But we're not living in the Wild We... continue reading
But we're not living in the Wild We... continue reading

Should there be a law that prospective parents, particularly women, be required to obtain a license before their first pregnancy? Or for each pregnanc...

Children today are in a very tough situation - their role models like their Trump-voting parents and the president #45 himself, they contradict everyt...

There is a popular saying among people who like guns - guns don't kill people, people do. But that might not be so true after all. According to a rece...

After the bomb scare yesterday that was targeted at Clintons, Obamas, and CNNs office, Trump said that No nation can succeed that tolerates violence o...

The wannabe president-businessman Trump announced yesterday that he is now pulling out of nuclear arms treaty.

The idea of vegetarianism and veganism is becoming more popular every day, for more than one reason. But is it sustainable?

Trump, so badly wanting to be better than Obama, and thinking everything he thinks and does are better than Obama's decisions, is on a crusade to reve...

After withdrawing from the multinational deal with Iran, Trump said that Iran is "treating us with much more respect right now, than they did in the p...

That seems to be the main statement coming out of the White House as well as Trump's own mouth. Be it any, and I do mean ANY other person, doing ANY o...

Trump has always been able to show his true face from the worst possible angle, but before today he hasn't shown us the shouting bitch on Facebook sid...

Trump has always been saying that the media is against him and ... you know, anything he doesn't like, is obviously fake news. But by saying that isn'...

Trump has been asked to share his tax returns numerous times. Yet, he still hasn't done it. But why? While all of the following could be wrong, if he'...

Harley Davidson's CEO Matthew S Levatich announced that the company will be moving part of its operation overseas. Trump's answer is as usually, the o...

As praised by Fox News, the meeting of two dictators is currently in progress and what do two dictators do when they meet each other? They praise each...

Did you know that most likely many things you are doing daily you might be doing wrong? Of course, often it doesn't really matter which way you are do...

One could say that Trump has been complaining about the investigation into his possible ties with Russia since the beginning of time. And while he can...

A few days ago CNN published their "exclusive" report about Morgan Freeman's inappropriate behavior. While victims of assault and harassment do deserv...

Trump told reporters that the summit on June 12 might still happen, that he's still open to it, AFTER he cancelled it himself. So you asked the girl o...

But abortions aren't the only culprits. There's also removal of religion from schools, too many entrances to schools, unarmed teachers, irresponsible ...

And there's a lie in this title. He doesn't lie in all of his tweets, maybe just half of them. Although sometimes he does lie multiple times in one tw...

Trump's legal team, together with the new addition to it, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, requested that special counsel Robert Mueller would all...

According to a news report, guns will be banned from NRA event during Mike Pence address. And it's not just guns, also knives will be banned during Vi...

The end of days has been predicted for decades now, with one of the most famous date behind was Dec 21, 2012, when Nibiru, or Planet X, was supposed t...

Scott Pruit, the Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced yesterday that he will be revoking Obama-era car emission standards...

And then there's this. A French baker has been fined EUR 3,000 for being open seven days a week, breaking a local decree banning bakeries from doing t...

Walmart has just announced that they will stop selling high-powered rifles in United States. The news obviously comes after the recent school shooting...

Lately there's been lots of talk about gun laws in the United States due to the most recent school shooting. While some eight year old's suggest teach...

Although it's now year 2018 not year 200, there are still enough people who think that round earth is just a conspiracy theory and that the earth is a...

Another day, another Tweet. Same Trump. The latest tweet comes as a response to Oprah's statements in 60 Minutes.

International Criminal Court (ICC) was created in 1998 to prosecute individuals for the international crimes against humanity. It is meant to compleme...

The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not work...

While in most other countries in the world, when their leader says something, he is representing the entire country, and the country's people accept i...

Donald Trump, a man from the movie Idiocracy (or might as well be), the man who's still stuck with climate change being a hoax spread by China idea, n...

Poland has (almost) outlawed mentioning anything related to Polish involvement in Holocaust. If the bill will be approved by the Poland's Senate and p...

Trump is now agreeing that young immigrants brought to United States as children should have a pathway to citizenship.

While many media channels are shouting that Trump finally apologized for something he's said or done, that's not exactly right. What we are talking ab...

While the issue of abortion still seems to be sort of taboo in the United States of 45, according to Pew Research Center 57% of Americans are supporti...

Trump has just just cancelled his trip to London to open the new billion dollar embassy. It would have been his first official trip to UK as a preside...

Just as you thought it might be over, another person brings up the topic of Obama's birth certificate. Thank you for that, formerly known as disgraced...

Oprah Winfrey, known most by getting his guests to cry in her show, is allegedly considering running for president of the United States according to C...

Trump has just declared his genius, again. Nobody else is seeing it. But he keeps persisting it is there.

Alexei Navalny has now been formally barred from running for president of Russia by The Central Election Commission due to his conviction in a fraud c...

On Thursday last week The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed net-neutrality rules that said all websites, or all web traffic, must be tr...

Trump called for a Washington Post reporter to be fired for a (almost) misleading tweet which the reporter deleted just 20 minutes later.

Sexism is a "prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex." But lately, when you follow the news, you can'...

If the news about the upcoming doomsdays would have been true, the world would have ended at least a dozen of times already. But last I checked, we're...

They say that the grass is always greener on the other side. Or at least that's how it often looks to us while usually being so only in our delusional...

With Trump family you can never know. Lying, or presenting alternative facts as they like to say, is a family thing, Trump family thing. But when thos...

Around a year ago, a plastic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva identified the world's most wanted female face, according to women, that is. The guy took the...

According to New York Times and Washington Post, Donald Trump Jr. wants to give up Secret Service protection due to lack of privacy.

Based on a statement by Secret Service on Monday, they will be running out of money to protect Trump on September 30.

Another day, still the same Trump. As members of Trump's Business Councils quit, both from Manufacturing Council and Strategic and Policy Forum, Trump...

America is being punished by mentally deranged white people because they can't comprehend how a black man became president of the United States.

Trump said on Wednesday that had he know Attorney General Jeff Sessions would recuse himself from overseeing the investigation into his connection wit...

The last-ditch attempt to repeal Obamacare without a replacement failed yesterday. Trump is now saying he will just let Obamacare fail.

And that's a good thing. A video of a woman walking in skirt in Saudi Arabia outraged the men in the country, most of whom are now asking for the woma...

Even if you're not, it seems majority of Americans might be up for it.According to a recent survey of roughly 1000 people across the United States, 73...

Ivanka Trump was keeping her father's seat at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany on Sunday. Some people felt that the move was inappropriate.

If you like to puff every once in a while, why not, especially if you live in a place where it is legalised. I personally love the smell of it. And of...

Lately there's lots of talk about the Muslim threat, Muslim terrorists and everything related. While there understandably is a problem, a problem that...

Last week, after Qatar's neighbours broke diplomatic ties as well as trade and transportation with the country due to its support of terrorism, Trump ...

What is Mixed Signal Syndrome? The paralyzing of the mind's ability to choose best because of mixed signals, twisting feelings and thoughts. America i...

Equal pay for men and women is a no-brainer. Same goes for people from different races and religions. However...I do have a problem with the activists...

Trump has promised to build a beatiful, great, impenetrable wall, for which he has promised Mexico will be paying. And lately he has been talking more...

From a dialogue with a buddy on negative ethnic humor. Is some negative ethnic humor more understandable or than other negative ethnic jokes?

This will be a hard sell, but believe it or not, there are a few things that are actually bigger than politics. And specifically in America.

It is possible to have what we honestly feel we deserve in life if we choose not to accept that which we do not deserve. We all reap what we sow. Howe...

What has happened to Paris is a reality check for mankind to seek a better way to exist. God and Love are one and the same vibration. The lack of it...

In the United States of America, we have our own war zones causing people to live in paranoid and fearful states of mind. Today is just one of many d...

But when the Pope came to America, he stole the ears of the multitude offering a new way to be that many people yearn to live by.

Donald Trump reveals the desperation for America to change its wicked ways. Many Americans are crying for a Savior because things are starting to back...

I will always remember something my former religion teacher said: Religion is a human beings yearning to attach to something. But is religion a blessi...

It has been almost a year since, relying on sources I trusted,I reported that US Special Forces were running a camp in the northern Jordanian town of ...

On July 20, ten days after Operation Protective Edge was launched against Gaza, the Defence Minister who threw the Jews out of Gaza in '05 had this to...

People often say I am a good listener. I have become used to this compliment. On closer introspection, I feel being a good listener has its own advan...

Australia gained Independence on the 11th December 1931 when the British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster. It’s a sad fact that most Austr...

Women tend to have more aches and pains than men for biological reasons. That's why it's important to manage your health. Plus, your health is directl...

The current situation in Ukraine is not a new thing. With numerous channels all over the world covering every single detail from the country, there is...

It’s impossible to count how many times secularists are told by religious folk of various faiths that we will regret our "godless" or "sinful" life so...

Only an "R" makes the difference between a brother and a bother. Being your brother's keeper can be a real bother. Sometimes, in fact, most of the ti...

No one will argue about the negative effects of smoking; yet, more people are lured into smoking. Thus, instead of forcing the smoker to quit, industr...

Very few journalists have the courage to broach the topic of certain groups having a greater rate of violence. ... (but, as a clinician who worked in ...

Yes, I know what you are thinking, you may be saying, "Who cares if you want to get a tattoo or not?" But, before you make that violent reaction, hold...
Years back I couldn't even smell whiskey. Or actually, I could smell it, but I would rather not. The reason being, obviously, the whiskey I had drank ...
A phoney CIA report on Israel is being distributed by a notoriously iffy Canadian website. The problem is its conclusions may be right for all the wro...

We have seen grand pronouncements by many countries and by many leaders calling for world peace. Is this a reality, or is it politicians saying one th...
If you are looking for an all-in-one social media experience, this might be quite close to it.

If you're a true car enthusiast, you should have gone to this year's North American International Auto Show, probably the best of its kind!
Almost everyone in this world understands the meaning of the word "Green", it means something related to the environment or nature. Same goes for the ...
Different people have different buying power. Fact. Some things which may be cheaper for someone may be costly for another one. Fact. A large proporti...
I'm fully aware that many of you, as a first thing, will just start by answering that they don't. But how can you be sure? In January this year, Occul...
The truth is that while the "information age", in the minds of many, might have lessened the value of formal education in today's world, it's usually ...
Julie Bowen, known to many as one of the co-stars from the entertaining law series Boston Legal, has joined Mylan Specialty L.P. to launch Health Awar...
There’s a popular saying that “family business stays behind closed doors”. It goes without saying that someone should remind the family members of th...

I would first like to send out my thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families of the horrendous movie theatre shooting in Aurora, CO. I wa...

…That is the question. A recent article released in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has recently released a s...

Just when you thought a two-person relationship was difficult enough, there is a new phenomenon starting to catch on in the world of relationships - p...
I have always found it extremely annoying, when people criticize people and things they do not actually know. I have always thought that it is a refle...
The summer's in the air and I guess this type of articles are needed too. Hmm, right?
When we grow older, or get older for the sake of the argument, we tend to start seeing the world only from one side. We tend to believe, no, not belie...
The fight against cybercensorship is more essential than ever. By creating blogs for exchanging ideas and information, internet is a force for freedom...
Elad Pressman, to my mind, is Israel's leading deep investigative journalist. Two weeks ago I had him on my radio show and what he said disturbed me s...

Marc L. Lynch conceptualizes this generation best, "[T]he echo boom (those born from 1977 to 1997), is 80 million people strong, the largest generatio...
EARTH (thecheers.org) - Federal authorities of the universe have charged the governments of all the countries in the world as well as the operators ac...
So, how exciting......a morning off, the Academy Awards. I wish I could say the ceremony lived to up my expectations and excitement, but I would be ly...
According to a report of the Washington DC-based US Department of State, The Philippines is one of 58 countries on the United States’ "Tier 2" human t...
The great question is why the great secret? On June 4 1963, President Kennedy signed into law, Executive Order 11110. Executive Order 11110 returned t...
As a general rule, tattoos gotten after 2 am are a bad idea. But in a bigger picture sense there are a few other times in life when perhaps it’s not i...
A lack of confidence can breed a vicious cycle. The more you ruminate over the topic, the more depressed and often insecure you can become about it.
Have you ever tried to get your internet connected amidst incompetence and inefficiency? If not, then try Telstra Bigpond. You will have the experienc...
All of us would experience some kind of a tension some time or the other in our life. The worst, of course, would be the one arising after the los...
I wrote this article because it upsets me how cruel humans are toward each other for senseless reasons; race being just one of many.
As the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has become more and more difficult to report it has reshaped itself into an international enigma. The World is com...
If you are one, be careful. You are living in an absolute danger zone. I tell you, it’s a curse to be a popular and well known person in our wo...
Superstition is just so much so much claptrap. Mumbo jumbo that has no place in the modern world, so scientists think. Why touch wood or throw spilt...
The State of Israel is tiny. In fact we could fit this country, barely noticeable on a map, comfortably into the borders of the Kruger National Park. ...
The shul president walks into the Rabbi’s office and horrified, sees that the Rabbi is watching Al Jazeera TV. “Rabbi”, he exclaims, “how could you. A...
The human race is the god for all other creatures. Humans are the beginning and the end of everything that goes on in this world. We can make ships th...
Even though I could be considered an atheist or agnostic, every once in a while talking about religion like it was some sort of a mental illness, I do...
Sarah Palin. She looks like a chick I dated in college who might have been on an equal personality level: they both were/are good looking, vain and tr...
Education is a basic human right that is often taken for granted in the western world. The South African Constitution which is arguably one of the mos...
Conspiracy theory. At 9:20 PM, July 16,1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. radioed the tower at an airport near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts announ...

I would like to propose that religious beliefs be placed in the DSM as a category of mental illness for the following reasons
Zionist. Just the very mention of the "Z" word is enough to drive someone's blood pressure into the stratosphere. So emotive is this topic that one c...
As an example as to how far Governments will go in terms of their anti-terrorism paranoia we may take a recent Western Australian case as a perfect ex...
The tasteless MJ Jokes started the very day after he died. "The autopsy determined the cause of Michael Jackson's death - he died from food poisoning...
The situation in Russia might be going in a bloody direction in the near future. As the time to the next presidential elections comes closer and close...
If there were any justice in this world one would certainly not look at Australia's airline, Qantas, to find it.
Details of what former Qantas CEO ...
Who needs healthcare in a "Christian nation"? This is a "Christian nation" -- so they say. This saviour Jesus Christ has the power to heal. Not only...
Is America so brainwashed and abused that it can not choose best? Weary minds wants to know.
It was a very pleasant surprise when I was invited to speak at a conference in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia. I have been to that neighbourhood so many ...
Visually these huge structures have a colossal visual effect on the environment. They may be sleek and have good lines but so many of them pollute the...
Are rats cute? Just look at Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. They have an entire carnival of their own and a worldwide business around them! Theme parks...
In a world that is going grey about grime and industrial waste
spoiling the lungs of the city-weary soul, Meghalaya is proud to have
the Asia's clea...
We see corruption generally as a third world problem and a problem which is primarily at the governmental level. But far too frequently, we ignore the...
Inept decision-making, greedy self-interest, head in the sand politicians, drought, have ruined one of the great rivers of the world. Only time will t...
The other evening Victor charged into his house blowing fire and smoke while his wife stood wondering what could have happened. Meantime, Victor was ...

The British still have the remnants of their rigid class system in their society so to suggest to them not to bow or curtsy to The Queen would seem li...
How the codified British legal system was born out of prosecutions of the Thugs in India.
Bindi's future is already planned for her and she is convinced that is what she wants to do. But the question has to be asked are those around her inf...
What does paypal have to do with banking? Southern Electric and The Sun newspaper are awarded The Guinness World Record(tm) for their groundbreaking c...
United States, the most democratic country in the world, or at least that’s what we are made to believe, would end the presidency of its first atheist...
Somewhere in them was a spirit that was ignited by their circumstances that made them fight for every opportunity. Once they had that break they made ...
There is not anything a man can do that a woman cannot do. We have proved this time and time again and will continue all the way to the White House. ...
Julius Caesar is very well known in the world, his history, his deeds and wars. The month July was named after him, but how many people know about the...
As it stands today, our boys have mixed messages on what it means to be a man. Who is qualified to prepare them for the future survival of the human ...
Bloggers versus journalists? There is this issue which I keep on stumbling over and which seems to be agitating so many people who are in the publishi...
Sometimes I get just a little confused. Tell me again, why are we in Iraq? We are there to establish Democracy so that the country can be just like ...
We must admit we are at some serious crossroads in our lives in America. Who can we trust to lead us to a better place?
Why the Bangladesh Genocide is not considered to be genocide by Pakistan, Bangladesh and the USA....
How do you decide to get a tattoo? Did you just wake up one day and tell your self, I got to do something about this plain skin God gave me? It is j...
Independence Day would show us that we as Australians have achieved much in the way of nationhood. It shows recognition of where we have come from and...
Prometheus was sentenced by Zeus to have his liver eaten by a giant eagle (think Garuda), while being chained to a rock. The liver would be eaten, the...
Money is the god of the earth. We surrender to it daily. We are not what we were created to be. Like the donkey with the carrot dangling in front ...
Sometimes I get just a little confused. Tell me again, why are we in Iraq? We are there to establish Democracy so that the country can be just like ...
Will USA remain the daddy of the world? Recently, I had the privilege of attending an event, which had one of the highest concentrations of internatio...
Financial and economic laws and regulations provide the rules of the game. It is the game of accepting, giving and managing money.
The racist has lost touch with reality. They did not create this world nor did they give life to the human race. How dare they attempt to destroy it...
Is technology the answer to the age old question of making mother's working conditions better for families? Many more are working from home with compu...
You know; our public school system already sucks. Teachers don’t challenge students enough and instead of showing the difference between right and wro...
Perhaps we are not as removed from the times when women were thought to be submissive, stayed home had children and looked after their family as we th...
The rapid changes happening in the world are frightening. Some militant groups are so frightened of it they are resorting to violence.
Iraq is going to fly apart at the seams because it does not have a national ethos nor it has a strong visionary leader to lead it
Doctors are not gods, not are they gods representatives on earth. While they are not infallible, they are not supposed to cause harm either.
Many in the West are confused about what are the aims of Al-Qaeda. Forget the propaganda put out by Governments with a vested interest, what are the r...
Political and Militant Islam in the form of Hamas is here to stay and Israel cant wish it away nor kill it nor imprison it. Talk to Hamas
So folks, as many of you know I used to be a huge wrestling fan. However, through the years, it has become quite boring.
Why doesnt Tariq Ramadan get that there is no link between terrorism and foreign policy at all?
Why vulture funds are good and vultures get a bum rap!
Anzac Day in Australia helps a small nation come to grips with the appalling losses of WW1. More important than any other commemoration, religious or ...
What obstacles stand in the way of David Hicks intergrating back into society? Will his release mean his troubles are over? How will he handle the pre...
Yes, we know everyone at some time of their life usually pisses you off. People do shitty things, are two-faced, look out for themselves and hurt othe...
Who is the real David Hicks? Is he the militant terrorist as depicted by the US and Australian Governments or is he the naïve young man who in the cou...
The future of the British Armed Forces. Some musings on where it should go.
Consumerism is killing us. Particularly with our attitude to fast cars and how young men have to show how virile they are by using powerful cars to ad...
Pakistan is trapped and quarantined by all. Is it reading too much into the situation?
And it came to pass that the multitudes of Australia failed to understand how to save water in the driest inhabited continent in the world. Then the g...
The Mad Mullahs and The Great Satan, covert war is manageable but overt war is a disaster

There is great doubt whether our political leaders will ever have the courage to address the difficult decisions to alleviate global warming. Scientis...
When sex is a priority, anything goes even our children. I have found that anal sex has become a dominant means of gratification for the animal sexua...
Why are the Jews and their homeland, Israel hated in this unthinking, disproportionate manner? While what's happening to the Palestinians is a tragedy...
It is both astonishing, not to mention deeply disturbing, how the serious - and potentially fatal - flaws in our current 'criminal justice' system bea...
I want to get this out of the way as quickly as possible because this damn ho don’t need any more publicity over her death.
Anna Nicole Smith, forme...

Decisions made by both Federal and State Governments in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s are coming back to haunt Australians in the new millennium by costing ...
Stores around here started stocking Christmas decorations before Halloween.
Radio stations started playing non-stop Christmas music before Thanksgi...

Critics would point out glaring discrepencies in the script. The continuity editor would be sacked, never to work again in the industry. Never mind th...

Nigerians have to recognize the germane element of goodwill in serving visitors water, kola or fura. This goodwill is founded on kindness and enabled ...
I ain't no art critic, but photos of bawling babies never make for pretty pictures. Why can't everyone feel the same way?
Hoping to spend a little time on the Jersey shore with the family? Maybe play the slots? I wouldn't bet on it.
If you're reading this, chances are you aren't sitting in a Pennsylvania jail.
Think your boss is a jerk? At least you've never been fired over a pair of boobies.
Some Ukrainian international non-governmental organisations like “Alliance against AID”, “Life plus” declared these about the threat to stop medical ...
I watched, I waited, I even held my breath. Imagine my anger when I regained consciousness an hour later and the world hadn't come to an end. Damn, an...

Hear that? No, it's not the steady rumble of stampeding horses. It's Emily Dickenson, Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg all rolling in their graves over...

A young writer crosses over to the "dark" side of plagiarism for the fame and fortune. Lucky for him the path has been clearly marked by the recent fo...
It used to be that there was a whole lot of education that went into becoming a scientist.
Hey, President Uber liar! Hey 43! Hey Dubya! Even most tele-marketers are more believeable than you!
I help to offer a solution to Barry Bonds' life of dodging the press and hypodermic needles.
Has anybody seen this fool Fred Phelps? He is behind that group that is protesting at dead soldiers funerals claiming that "god killed them because t...
This country amazes me how it decides what is an issue. Homosexuality has become such a hot item. It is as though we just discovered that same sexes...
Have you ever really watched a cigarette lover inhale cigarette smoke? Have you noticed the instant satisfaction experienced? The cigarette is led to...
First of all in order for rich folks to have a game, there has to be some poor folks. Rich among rich can only stand each other so long because egos ...
Okay now. Enough is enough. I am addressing all the Muslims out there. Well, maybe not ALL the Muslims, perhaps just the really naughty and incorrigib...
In today’s world, society has already far surpassed the limits and boundaries of international borders. Like a wildfire sweeping up and surging past e...
Death of Ryan McGlothlin raises the question of getting out of Iraq. But his path to the military was a strange one. What do you think?
There once was a man who fell in love with and bought a two hundred year old house. It had some problems although it was attractive, historically impo...
I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.-Thomas Grasso (Executed in Oklahoma)
What would have happened in the year 2000 if the framers of The Constitution had included a sunset clause that cancelled their version in that year, a...
In eloquent language our Declaration Of Independence of 1776, outlined the goals and ambitions, the lofty ideals, of the nation’s founders. Many of th...
Over Thanksgiving dinner a guest challenged a political opinion I’d offered. She said, “Why bother having opinions, you can’t change anything about th...

“Don’t ask for favors. Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t axe me why.”
Today I got an email from an organization called Euro Club International. They wanted to “fulfil my fantasies with more than 50 of the hottest girls f...
As the winds gusted through Louisiana, our country viewed the tragedy from their television screens. Everybody had his or her own understanding of thi...
Did you hear that sound this past Monday morning? I was watching SportsCenter when I heard it. At around 7:30 a.m. I was getting ready for another l...
The concepts of discrimination and prejudice are frequently associated with race and skin color. So colorlind people are by nature the most fair? My o...
If your crystal ball about money is dim and cannot shed light to the future, then chop it in half and balance them like the Yin-Yang. Let your gut fee...
Religious conservatives argue their moral beliefs against contraception give pro-life pharmacists the right to refuse dispensing prescriptions for var...
I got a call from my friend Gerard late Saturday night informing me that San Francisco 49er Offensive Lineman Thomas Herrion died immediately followin...
The Chinese believed that great natural disasters are omens that rulers have lost their divine mandate to rule, or that they are about to die. In the...
What happened in New Orleans, Mississippi and Alabama after Hurricane Katrina went through was unimaginable. Millions of people were affected and the ...
HELLO KIDDIES and welcome to the journal. This week I would like to discuss something very important which is freedom. This country was founded on the...
This is an independent and no-nonsense approach to take a look at the foreign policy of The United States of America. Perhaps people who read this wil...