Professor Curiously
The Prof. is trying to gain a following so he can write for a living. The Prof. has very little to offer you other than his massive member and sense of modesty.
Author articles
The professor and jury duty blues
“Group 28, 29 and 30 need to meet at the courthouse downtown at 8 am.” This is the robotic voice of bureaucracy. “Who wakes up at 8 in the summer, man?!” I wait for an answer from the court-system cyborg, but I receive nothing. “The court building can be found downtown…” “Your mom can be found downtown!” Game, set, mat... continue reading
Drugged Out Saturday Nights
On Saturday night I spent a good deal of time smoking dope and playing Guitar Hero 3.  Near the end of this time, it occurred to me that I might not be reaching the height of my potential. Wait...let's take a couple of steps back. On Friday night I went home, ate some dinner, smoked my greens and went to a friend’... continue reading

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