Barney, the White House dog reviews Jim Wallis' Best SellerAs barked to Becky Garrison Every time any wussie says George W. Bush isn’t acting like a Christian, I start growling and try to bite ‘em. Uncle Karl said I’m such a faithful watchdog that he appointed me to be the spiritual sniffer to the President. As the First Doggie, I get to smell all this sacred stuff that W doe...
continue reading TOP THINGS OVERHEARD AT THE ANGLICAN PRIMATES MEETINGAs reported on CNN, MSNBC, CBN and a host of reputable [sic] international news agencies, The U.S. Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada have withdrawn from a key body of the global Anglican Communion under pressure from conservative church leaders horrified by the election of a gay bishop in the United St...
continue reading ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOW TO VOTE All I really need to know about how to vote and who to trust and what to believe I learned at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Wisdom was not at the top of some faded ivory tower but down there at Madison Square Garden spelled out in red, white and blue. These are the things I learned: Th...
continue reading The Ten Commandments According to Bill Bennett1. "I am the Bill thy moral compass, who hath brought America out of
the land of Clinton, into the house of Bush. Thou shalt need no other
books than mine."2. Thou shalt not shun my moral instruction
manuals, magazines or audiotapes that are in bookstores, or for sale at
thrift stores, or that which is available on...
continue reading Bush's Credo: Words To Live ByI believe in George, my Father Almighty, The rightful ruler of these United States,And in Jeb Bush, his younger son, my bro:I was conceived in CIA secrecy, Born of the matriarchal BarbaraSuffered initiation by the Skulls,Sobered up and ruled over Texas.I wrestled with the Democratic demons,The 35th day, the US Supreme ...
continue reading Jackson vs. Sharpton - Ready to RumbleJESSE "ACTION" JACKSONAGE: 60RESIDENCE: Chicago, IL RELIGIOUS AFFILATION: BaptistFINISHING POLITICAL MOVE: The Rhetoric Rhyming SpeechNOTEWORTHY QUOTE: "Hymietown" GREATEST SPIRITUAL LAPSE: Fathering a child out of wedlock with Karin StanfordFAVORITE CHURCH SUPPER DISH: Chicken FAVORITE VIDEO GAME: Ms. PackmanFAVORITE ...
continue reading Queer Eye for the Spiritual GuyFive gay priests set out to make over the Episcopal Church - one pedestrian priest at a time. They
are the Fab Five: an elite team of gay priests dedicated to extolling
the simple virtues of style, taste and class. Each week their mission
is to transform a style-deficient and culture-deprived priest from drab
to fa...
continue reading Bless and Bag Bambi! SATURDAY 7:00 a.m. GOPs Great Outdoors
In this weeks episode, Dick Cheney joins the Fellowship of Christian
Hunters on a stocked pheasant hunt that's sure to please. Then Dick
heads to Louisiana for another duck hunting trip with Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia. 7:25 a.m. NRA Bullet Points
See vint...
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