Travelling the World part 5 - High Speed Trains a Possibility for Australia Australia must be one of the world's few economically developed countries that has not as yet seen the development of a high-speed railway network; the reason for the lack of such a system being a lack of Government initiatives, a lack of vision in terms of what is possible in railway development, a large country with a reasonably small population and last but not least, entrenched vested interest by those making the decisions.
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La Diablo Mort, the Ultimate in Shaving Technology If you aren’t careful technology has a way of leaving you behind faster then you can change the blade on your razor. It is difficult to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years but if there is one thing I know it is that I will still be routinely injured by the best a man can get. read on |

Armageddon Technology It’s hard for to fathom what technology was like 50 years ago. In fact most would agree that the ‘technology age’ has existed in its entirety in the last 50 years. read on |

Most read in Technology (in 50 years)
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