Sex DOES sell Of course sex sells. Naturally a half-naked woman can sell anything. We’re used to sex selling to men, presumably straight men. What about the multitudes of straight women out there? read on |

The Agnostic Pulpit: The American War on Sex The United States government has been waging a War on Sex for decades. Like the failed War on Drugs, the inability to banish popular interest in sex is astonishing in view of the money and resources wasted in the effort. read on |

Alms For The Love Of Ella For many people, sexual intercourse is simply masturbation by proxy. One of the most ridiculous, and degrading euphemisms in American usage is, "making love", a reference to doing the Hokey Pokey. In the words of the famous song, "What's love got to do with it?"read on |

Sex - The Final Frontier Guys, how many times have you been looking at magazines at the newstand when you hear the uneven breath of a pasty-faced pudge-ball next to you? read on |

Sex, Sex, and more Sex! Moreover, in the final analysis, it’s not so much sex that sells, but the promise or the allure of it. Advertisers and psychologists have been studying and examining sex in advertising for many years and know what to show and what not to show. The object is not so much to expose boobs, penises and pubic hair, but to create the impression the buyer is desirable if they buy the on |

Sex Sells Sex Sex can sell anything from hamburgers to vacuum cleaners, but can sex sell itself? read on |

