Seeing, Swirling, Sniffing, Sipping, Savoring
Don’t let the wine snobs fool you. With these five simple techniques, you will be able to sample the nectar of the Gods with complete confidence (as well as drink a lot of wine for free).read on

Sip and Savor, The Wonders of Wine
Most people enjoy a nice wine; the smooth berry beverage essential within health and on

The Day the Wine Rack Collapsed
It all began when I decided to make root beer at home. It seemed easy and harmless, although no one in the family actually liked the stuff, and we never bought root beer at the on

Winey Vidi Vici – I Came, I Slurped, I Conquered
Most people don’t know this but drinking wine can actually make you more intelligent. read on

Taking the fear out of buying wine
Purchasing wine can be difficult at best if you do not know what you are looking for or where to look. read on

Tiny Bubbles, In the Wine...Ah, Screw It
Opening a good bottle of wine can be a thrilling experience, or so I'm told. Most of my drinking time is spent swilling subpar varieties of beer and/or whiskey, so I’m afraid the subject of wine is a little outside my tiny realm of knowledge. read on

Wine: the worst hangover ever
The one thing I can tell you, with full knowledge, is that no matter how good, expensive, old, tasteful or rare a wine is, if you get hammered with it, the next day you'll regret it so hardly that only a shot between the eyes would spare you from the pain and suffering. read on

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