Our Latest Addiction: Online Video Games Alcohol. Drugs. Sex. Food. Gambling. Smoking. Porn. Exercise. Shopping. Bad Relationships. All addictions. Is there anything we're NOT addicted to? I mean really. And now we have a new one. Online video games. read on |

Day of a common addict I can't think straight. I haven't been able to all day. My mouth feels dry. I'm anxious and I feel on edge. I'm twitchy. I have a headache.read on |

The Agnostic Pulpit: Addictions "What the hell is wrong with you?" Every addict hears this question sooner or later. Why would any rational, mature person destroy a life with an addiction to alcohol, drugs, or gambling?read on |

Porn Again American Porn is the latest addiction to hit the sheets. Back in the day, and by this I mean the 1970s, if you wanted to see some porn you had to steal it. There were no videos, internet access, cable shows, digital displays of ta-ta's—and unless your older brother had a stash that was accessible, stealing porn was the only way to feed your early craving.read on |

Addiction in the Spotlight: Celebrity Addiction With the popularity of celebrities, the tabloid press's obsession with catching celebrities out and today's audience's having a slightly sadistic, voyeuristic tendency to take pleasure in other people's car crash lives read on |

Drug Addicts Need Treatment Not Incarceration The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, partly due to harsh penalties for drug possession. Many Americans call for drug sentencing reform, including treatment for drug addicts rather than incarceration. read on |
