God is Coming You knew it would happen sooner or later. You knew there was no escape. But do you really know why?read on |

The True price of Religious Freedom Proposition 8 (Amending the California state constitution to make same sex marriage illegal) was touted as preserving Religious Freedom. Can anyone be truly free unless Everyone is free?read on |

Do we really need The Ten Commandments? Religion! Ah...there's a word that crashes into a conversation like a Steer on a Segway. Nothing creates more drama, tension, and war than the old 'my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend' debate.read on |

Were the Inquisitors bad people? I claim that those medieval church fathers and inquisitors in the service of the church who destroyed their religious opponents without mercy were not basically bad or evil people.read on |

Spiritual abuse & cults - why some fall prey The vast majority of people who join cults were approached at a very low period of their lives. They may have been suffering from deep depression, grief, crisis, profound uncertainty, or questioning their purpose in life.read on |

