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And That's the Way It Is columnColumn by Henk Luf Why Bother Working For The Mafia...There Is More To Be Made Robbing People Working For A Bank. Ah yes indeed. What is the difference between a gangster and a banker? None really, they both rob people blind while living off the taxpayer. Hence from hereon in a banker may well be kno..read on Well May We Say “God Save The Queen” Because Nothing Will Save Tony Blair Remember the war in Iraq, one of the two? Take your pick. One was because Saddam invaded Kuwait, a country that was growing oil and not oranges while the other was because Saddam was said to have weapons of mass destruction, weapons that never wer..read on The Myths of A Suicide Bomber The menace of suicide bombers walking into hotels and other places where people congregate has become so widespread that one must be wondering as to why people are stupid enough to even contemplating participating in such activities. There is no d..read on CHINA - Two Faces, One Postage Stamp China is country of contradictions. On one hand there is the China with a growing economy, increasing consumer consumption and better living standards for some of its population while on the other hand there is the Chinese Government, ambitious, ..read on Australia\'s Secrets Not So Secret - You Can Read All About Them in Local Newspapers Much consternation in Australia about a news article published by Australia's national newspaper "The Australian" in relation to an impending raid on some terrorism suspects. Details of the impending raids were leaked by someone yet unknown to a ..read on WHILE THE IAEA SLEEPS AND PARTIES ON More Countries Go Nuclear While another country has now decided to develop and/or obtain nuclear weapons, we really must be wondering as to what the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), as the UN agency responsible for preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, mi..read on FIJI - A Whole Country Stuffed By One Grubby Little Man Frank Bainimarama Photo: AP/Rob GriffithOne would have though that after two successive coups and one attempted one, the nation of Fiji would have had enough of trumped-up little military dictators but sadly, any notion of a free, democratic Fiji went out of the windo..read on Chinese Justice - A Bit Like Chinese Shirts - Cheap and Nasty Try this one for stupidity. [extract1]Chinese Government owned company, Chinalco, tries to buy into Anglo-Australian iron ore miner, Rio Tinto, and fails in its bid because Rio had other ideas in terms of who controlled the company as well as the..read on BURMA - A Military Dictatorship In Its Ugliest Form I was recently asked if I had any desire to visit Burma. My answer, "You have got to be kidding. Why would I want to visit a country that is ruled by a military junta of the worst kind?" The fact is of course that Burma, or Myanmar as it is known..read on VISIT AFGHANISTAN YEAR 2010 - A HOLIDAY OF A LIFETIME. LITERALLY I am extremely pleased to announce that the year 2010 will be known as the "Visit Afghanistan Year 2010" and for the purpose, I have pleasure announcing some great travel packages that are likely to please many among you. As a bit of background in..read on DANGEROUS SKIES Airlines and Governments Cutting Corners Given the parlous state of the world-wide aviation industry at the moment, I am not surprised that crashes such as recent crash events with the various types of aircraft ranging from Airbus A330s to Twin Otters are appearing to have become more commo..read on IRAN - STUFFED BY RELIGIOUS FANATICISM What is it with so-called religious leaders that even entices them into running countries and stuffing them in the process? Their motivation has certainly has nothing to do with religion but rather more to do with their hunger for power, in my view. ..read on GOVERNMENTS ABUSING PRINCIPLES OF ANTI-TERRORISM LAWS When the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York occurred, the immediate aftermath, in terms of revised and additional anti-terrorism legislation just had to be put in place. Many countries, if not most, all revised their legislation to suit their own..read on THE CIA - A TERRORIST ORGANISATION? NOT YES WE CAN, BUT YES IT IS. I can remember saying, on this very site in fact, and on 7th March 2007, that the CIA (Central Intelligence Organisation) was acting like a terrorist organisation and by the looks of things, I was damned right. [extract1]A secret report, only re..read on GOD, RELIGION AND FRAUD - IT ALL LOOKS THE SAME TO ME [pic1]While I would be the first person to defend anyone's right to practice their chosen religion unhindered and where and when they please, and while I also acknowledge that some people with a religious background have and still are doing good deed..read on TONY BLAIR FOR EU PRESIDENT? THE THOUGHT OF IT ALONE WOULD MAKE ME WANT TO THROW UP Remember a man named Tony Blair? Yep, that's him. [extract1]He was the one who ventured into an illegal war in Iraq together with his other two grubby little mates George W Bush and Johnny Howard. And then, after his resignation as British PM, he..read on AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FULLY AWARE OF CIA TORTURE OF DAVID HICKS AND MAMDOUH HABIB While the former Australian Liberal Government has always claimed that it knew nothing of allegations of the torture of Australians David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib at Guantanamo Bay, it now turns out that both the then Attorney General, Philip Ruddock ..read on HOW TO CATCH A SPY Have you ever wondered as to how you can distinguish between a real spy and a fake? I am going to tell you how to do this in fine detail, well, almost fine detail, well, slightly fine detail. Ah well, some detail will be sufficient. If a man s..read on JOHN HOWARD. THE GRUB FROM DOWN-UNDER Ah yes, my Australian friends certainly won't like me for this little contribution but then, that's life. First of all we must ask the question as to how on earth John Howard ever managed to stay in power as Prime Minister for 11 long years. Were..read on FINDING OSAMA BIN LADEN They seek him here, they seek him there, they seek him everywhere but finding Osama Bin Laden seems to be proving to be more difficult than first thought. Not that the difficulties with finding him are an indication as to how good he and other Al Qae..read on AFGHANISTAN. RADICAL SOLUTIONS FOR A RADICAL WAR Some time ago I mentioned that the war in Afghanistan, as it was then as well as the way it was then conducted, was basically unwinnable. I have not changed my view and these days there are some added dimensions that will have to be taken into ac..read on ONE AYATOLLAH - A TRUCK-LOAD OF LIES Well might Iran's Ayatollah All Khamenei, a man who should stick with his religious books instead of dabbling in politics, say that Iran has no intention to develop nuclear weapons. The statements by this man being the case, one can only conclude..read on FORMER QANTAS BOSS WALKS AWAY WITH MILLIONS. MEANWHILE, THE PASSENGERS SIT ON THE TARMAC WAITING FOR A PLANE If there were any justice in this world one would certainly not look at Australia's airline, Qantas, to find it. Details of what former Qantas CEO Geoff Dixon was paid in his final year in the boss' seat, or part thereof, has shown that he took ho..read on GOVERNMENT ANTI-TERRORISM PARANOIA RIFE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA As an example as to how far Governments will go in terms of their anti-terrorism paranoia we may take a recent Western Australian case as a perfect example as to how stupid and idiotic some Governments really are. A colleague who writes for railwa..read on THE PICTURES THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT DID NOT WANT YOU TO SEE "Oh my god", might well you say, "Pictures of sex and drugs and rock'n-roll in Western Australia, or pictures of some other scandalous behaviour perhaps perpetrated by some poor Government Minister, perhaps even with his trouser down to his ankles?" ..read on WAR CRIMES CHARGES AGAINST ISRAEL AND HAMAS MUST PROCEED The findings of a UN investigation team in relation war crimes committed by both Israel as well as Hamas make interesting reading in terms of what may result if the International Criminal Court ever gets to proceed with laying charges against individ..read on THE ISRAEL-HAMAS UN WAR CRIMES INQUIRY. VERDICT ACCEPTED BY UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. The fact that the UN Human Rights Council has voted that the UN war crimes inquiry findings into the Israel-Hamas conflict as being factual and valid now opens the doors to a host of legal as well as other options in relation to this conflict by both..read on UK GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS WAR CRIMES ACCUSED FOR EU PRESIDENT It has been revealed that the Gordon Brown Government is endorsing former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to become EU President. In a move that will be fiercely opposed in Europe, current UK Government ministers are lobbying behind the scenes on Bla..read on IRAN NOW NUCLEAR CAPABLE As I mentioned previously, Iran is very close, within months, to being capable of delivering nuclear warheads to a target. The latest evidence of its capability comes with the release of information that Iran's researchers were tinkering with a 't..read on UK TRYING TO HIDE IRAQ HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES The UK Armed Services Minister Bill Rammell has stated that there will not be a need for an open and public inquiry into allegations that British Forces in Iraq allegedly inflicted human rights abuses upon Iraqi detainees. [extract1]Thus far, 33 ..read on GOD IS DEAD. HE IS NO MORE. HE IS KAPUT. Now I am not going to interfere with someone's democratic right to practice his/her chosen religion in any way shape or form. Freedom of religion is one basic human rights principle that should be protected vigorously by all. [extract1]Having said..read on ISRAEL AND IRAN - THE STAND-OFF CONTINUES One of the Middle-East flash-point situations, this being the stand-off between Iran and Israel, is starting to look more serious as days, weeks and months pass by but at least, at this point in time, the two countries are only exchanging insults rat..read on HIGHWAY ROBBERY. AUTHORS AND WRITERS RIPPED-OFF It is so sad to see people with obvious talents being ripped-off by crooks, charlatans, dodgy individuals and companies and other forms of low-life who prey on individual lack of legal knowledge and weaknesses in terms of contracts and so-called mark..read on ABUSED BY PRIESTS OR OTHER RELIGIOUS SEX OFFENDERS? HERE ARE SOME GUIDELINES AS TO WHAT ACTION TO TAKE The phenomenon of priests, clerics and other religious sex offenders is, by all accounts, more like an epidemic rather than the occasional occurrence and as to ensure that justice prevails, victims of these parasites must be extremely careful as to n..read on CLOSE DOWN THE IRISH CATHOLIC CHURCH AND START AFRESH UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT For those people of the catholic faith, and especially for catholics in Ireland, the recently released 700-page Murphy Report into child sex abuse and rape must have been made their blood boil. [extract1]The report contains 700 pages of details ab..read on Santa Missing in Eurotunnel Well might you say. "Poor old Santa". Here is the poor old pensioner trying to save some time by travelling via the Eurotunnel and he gets stuck on a train half-way through the tunnel, prompting a search party for him. Yes indeed, Santa might have..read on DRASTIC ACTION NEEDED TO SAVE ISLAND STATES - TUVALU AND KIRIBATI NOW IN SERIOUS TROUBLE It was rather interesting to see the conclusions that were reached, or the lack thereof, at the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. There appeared to be plenty of waffle but very little action. The final communique, which states that the worl..read on THE YEAR 2010. MAKE A DIFFERENCE THIS YEAR. DEMAND STRONGER ACCOUNTABILITY AND DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS While the year 2009 might well have been a bit of an eye-opener for some people, in overall terms, apart from some major disasters, year 2009 was a rather forgettable one for more people. With any luck, however, year 2010 might well be a somewhat ..read on IRISH BLASPHEMY LAWS A RELIGIOUS NONSENSE Ah yes, trust the Irish Government to put both left feet into an issue where sound and competent Governments would and should never venture unless such Governments have a desire to look like complete fools as well as idiots, the conclusion being that..read on GUANTANAMO DETAINEES FARCE As was expected, it only took the Obama administration to back-track on its commitment to legalise past illegal US processes that were taking place at the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp during the Bush era. Since Obama came into power, a number..read on WAR CRIMES SUSPECT TONY BLAIR. ARREST HIM, CHARGE HIM, CONVICT HIM, JAIL HIM The evidence provided by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to a UK inquiry may have taken him six hours to provide but it will take him the rest of his miserable life to live down the consequences of his actions - actions that, to me, are much..read on SACK THE POPE - AND TURN THE VATICAN INTO A FINE ARTS MUSEUM Well might you say, "You can't be serious making that statement" and I would then reply that I am very serious in terms of what I am saying and that I have a substantial number of very good reasons for doing so. First of all I shall have a closer ..read on MOSSAD CONFIRMS ISRAELI ROGUE STATE STATUS Mossad, Israel's secret service organisation, by its most recent actions, has confirmed Israel's status as a rogue state. [extract1]The organisation, and thus Israel, have been accused by Dubai authorities of killing Hamas operative Mahmoud Al-Mab..read on ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER RELIGIOUS SCANDAL FOR THE VATICAN These people within the Vatican walls must think it's Christmas or something and they must certainly be counting their blessings due to the fact that they seem to have gotten away with more revelations of child-abuse and other crimes without having t..read on TOYOTA - LEMONS MOVING FORWARD As the court cases mount and the damages bills are likely to venture into the billions, Toyota must getting a bit worried about the overall effect on its long-term prospects worldwide. I am going to add a bit to those worries with the call that al..read on THE POPE. HE SHOULD GO AND GO NOW. Ah yes, another week of religious upheavals within the catholic religion and how wonderful it is to see what can only be described as an unaccountable, greedy lot of pedophiles and their protectors go down in a screaming heap having to defend the ind..read on CATHOLIC CHURCH OFFICIALS. ARREST AND INVESTIGATION WARRANTS LIKELY. The International Law Compliance Forum (ILCF) has urged countries with instances of child-and sex abuse allegations to immediately begin proceedings against offenders and their protectors. The ILCF has also urged countries to vary their 'statue o..read on NUCLEAR-ARMED ISRAEL CONFIRMED AS BEING A ROGUE STATE Once again, Israel has shown that the country has little or no regard for international law, human rights laws and definitions and the nuclear-armed country can now, beyond reasonable doubt, be regarded as a rogue state. [extract1]First of all, Is..read on THE US GOVERNMENT CLEANING ISRAEL’S DIRTY LAUNDRY It is fascinating to watch how some governments surround themselves in a veil of secrecy, hypocrisy and double standards and, sadly, the US Government appears to be a master of all of those when it comes to matters related to Israel. One can almost b..read on AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER KEVIN RUDD DEPOSED BY ALP JUNTA. JULIA GILLARD IS NEW PM WITH ALP POWER BROKERS IN CHARGE OF RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT In a particularly grubby manner, Australia’s Prime Minster Kevin Rudd, has been deposed as PM by Australian Labor Party (ALP) secretaries, ALP power brokers and other ALP ‘nobodies’ , all in a matter of 24 hours and in a manner that would lead Austra..read on COUP LEADER JULIA GILLARD MOVING FORWARD IN CIRCLES After two weeks of electioneering, there are signs of desperation within the Australian Labor Party after the Australian public appears to begin to see through the ALP’s cheap and nasty tactics which began by the various factions within the party, an..read on WILL THE REAL AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER PLEASE STAND UP? Australian has lots of former Prime Ministers, wannabe Prime Ministers, could-have-been Prime Ministers and indeed should-have-been-Prime Minister but there is only one Australian who says she is the Prime Minister but who is really nothing more than..read on A GILLARD GOVERNMENT IN AUSTRALIA? THERE IS NO SUCH THING The Australian elections thus far have been the most monotonous processes ever encountered in Australian politics but there are a couple of aspects of it that perhaps should be brought into view. First of all, Labor’s coup-leader, Julia Gillard, k..read on GILLARD KNEW ABOUT FAILED HOME INSULATION SCHEME. RESULT? FOUR DEAD AND 200 HOUSES DESTROYED BY FIRE One aspect of the Australian Government in which coup-leader Julia Gillard played a major role as Deputy Prime Minister has been very conveniently swept aside by Gillard and her off-siders during the current Australian election campaign has been the ..read on TIME FOR LABOR AND THE AUSTRALIAN ELECTORATE TO PART COMPANY The results of the Australian elections, just held, have highlighted a number of things that, if not addressed, will spell the end of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in terms of the party being able to retain any future support of the Australian ele..read on The Tony Blair Book Farce BLAIR DETAILS AS TO HOW TO START AN ILLEGAL WAR WITHOUT JUSTIFICATION. I would have thought that a person who is accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, breaches of the Geneva Convention as well as breaching the Laws of War would not be s..read on INDEPENDENTS WIN AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS After a couple of weeks of intense negotiations between four elected independents and both the Labor Party as well as the Liberal/National coalition parties, three out of four have decided to give Labor, led by coup-leader Julia Gillard, a chance to ..read on AUSTRALIAN COUP LEADER FORMS A GOVERNMENT - BUT ONLY JUST COUP LEADER GILLARD FORMS A MINORITY GOVERNMENT Australian coup-leader Julia Gillard has formed a minority Government with the help of three independents and a new-elected Australian Waffle Party (Greens) member of parliament. There are a numbe..read on AUSTRALIAN HIGH SPEED RAIL A VIABLE OPTION While there currently is a lot of talk in Australia and even more waffle from the Australian Greens Party, proposals to construct a high-speed rail system between Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane are not new. They are in fact about thirty years old and they..read on AUSTRALIAN COUP-PLOTTER JUST WANTS TO BE LOVED How sad is the situation is when one of the main Australian coup-plotters, Senator Mark Arbib, is now trying to justify his position this in relation to the coup he mounted against then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd together with coup-leader Julia Gillar..read on VATICAN HIDING THOUSANDS OF ABUSE FILES It has been revealed that the Vatican is currently hiding thousands of case files in relation to sex abuse cases, pedophilia and physical abuse cases implicating hundreds of priests and other church officials working within the Catholic Church. Th..read on PEDOPHILE CATHOLIC BISHOP NOW A CARDINAL During the process of ‘exhuming’ various hidden Vatican files that relate to the various yet to be revealed sex offenders within the Catholic Church, members of the International Law Compliance Forum (ILCF) have stumbled across some rather interestin..read on BAINIMARAMA WANTS TO BE QUEEN There are very few things that I dislike more than coup-leaders, coup-plotters and grubby little dictators. They all have something in common. They are all people who have achieved nothing in life and perhaps never will, all have an inferiority compl..read on THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY. OUT OF TOUCH, OUT OF FOCUS, OUT OF CREDIBILITY AND HOPEFULLY, OUT OF THE DOOR People who live outside Australia must be wondering as to why a rich country such as Australia still has growing problems with issues such as homelessness and poverty while, on the other hand, the country is literally floating on mineral riches and s..read on EXTREME RIGHT POLITICS A DANGER TO EUROPEAN UNITY It can easily be said that Europe, as a continent, has learnt very little from the events of two world wars, the Kosovo crisis, Bosnia, Northern Ireland and a number of other such events that took the lives of millions of Europeans and in the end rea..read on THE ASSANGE CASE. CIA INTERFERED WITH SWEDISH LEGAL PROCESSES Information has come to light as to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) attempting to interfere with Swedish legal processes in relation to the Julian Assange case and there are now also questions as to communications between US Government official..read on |
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