
This article belongs to Travelwise column.

Australia's major airline Qantas is not travelling well at the moment with Qantas off-shoot, Jetstar, being on the Travelwise 'no fly' list and an increasing number of questions being asked in Australia as to the maintenance standards of the whole Qantas group of airlines.

The latest Jetstar saga was an engine fire on a Jetstar aircraft, which necessitated a hurried evacuation of the aircraft while on the Qantas front, the accusations against the airline are extremely serious.

It has now been revealed that Qantas continued to fly an aircraft that fed carcinogenic fumes into the cabin of the aircraft for nine months before the aircraft being fixed.

The substance involved is an organophosphate known as TCP (Tricresyl Phosphate) which leaked through the engine system into the cabin via the super heating and then cooling system. In humans, the substance has links with Parkinson's disease when inhaled.

The leakage can be easily recognised by both passengers and crew as the cabin will smell of blue cheese and vomit when the substance is leaked into the cabin.

So for nine months, crews and passengers have been exposed to this stuff without Qantas doing anything about it.

Once again, Qantas denies the claim but the evidence against Qantas is becoming more and more compelling and any Qantas denials just don't appear to coincide with the hard evidence leveled against the airline.

So, if your aircraft is a Qantas aircraft and it smells of blue cheese and vomit, may I suggest a parachute?

Henk Luf.