If I told you today that there's no tomorrow, would you do the same things today as you initially intended? Would you keep to your preset routine you've probably unknowingly established for yourself? Or would you got nuts, would you do something completely different for a change? If you chose the latter, the question is, why are you sticking to your current routine if that's something you've always wanted to change?
Unless you believe the doomsayers, the world didn't end in 2012 nor 2017, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't act as if it might all come to an end any day. And if you acted like that, what would you do? While it's all personal, as we're all into different things, even if we haven't figured those things out yet, here are some ideas for you that might make your day/month/year/life.

There are loads of extreme sports out there, extreme sports that any of us could try out. Be it the simple yet thrilling Kiiking from Estonia, Snowboarding in the Alps, going for dog sledding in Norway, or why not, putting on a parachute and jump out the plane. You could also just go on an extreme adventure all by yourself. These are just some ideas to get your mind going. Extreme sports can be a very good source of adrenaline, and sometimes it's just what the doctor ordered.

Because of the huge competition and big money involved, some casinos around the world could be considered the greatest attractions there are with thousands upon thousands of tables, machines, entertainment venues, restaurants, water parks, rooftop infinity pools and everything related and not related. Taking a trip to see the biggest and greatest of them in Singapore, Macau, Las Vegas as well as other places might be a trip of a lifetime. These places are much more than gambling establishments, some would say they are a way of life. During your trip you could also pop into some online casinos, just to try your luck there, just for a moment, to see if it was your day or not.

We all have something that we fear. For some of us it's public speaking, for others it can be as simple as asking a girl out for a date. When I mentioned that extreme sports can be a good source of adrenaline, when it comes to our fears, conquering them can make your blood rushing through your veins even faster. Whatever it is exactly, I bet you have thought about conquering your fear and thinking that one day, somehow, you will do it. But the day should always be today. If you wanted to do it, why not just do it? Go crash a wedding, sing karaoke, or get a pet panda (okay, maybe that's not so good idea, neither for you nor the panda), but you get the point. Think what are Your biggest fears and go on from there.

I know, getting in shape or conquering your fears don't feel as fun as crazy casino trip or extreme sports, but they can be even more thrilling by the end of the day, as they are both something for your soul, to make you better, to make you feel better. If you feel better, you're better towards others as well. You've seen the grumpy people always pissed at other people, their attitudes often come from not being happy with ones self. So conquering your fears and getting in the best shape of your life can be even better than anything else you can do for yourself.

Many people have a plan for the entire day, or week, month or year. Or worst yet, the entire life. While you do need a plan sometimes, especially when there are children involved, many of us can often still afford to get impulsive. And if you can, why don't you? Buy a one-way flight ticket for tonight or tomorrow, and do it in blind-booking style (meaning, you won't know where you are going before you actually have bought the ticket). Wake up at 5am for no reason and go swimming. Whatever it is, be impulsive. It's good for you.
Unless you believe the doomsayers, the world didn't end in 2012 nor 2017, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't act as if it might all come to an end any day. And if you acted like that, what would you do? While it's all personal, as we're all into different things, even if we haven't figured those things out yet, here are some ideas for you that might make your day/month/year/life.
1. Go extreme.

2. Go for a crazy casino trip.

3. Conquer your fears.

4. Get in the best shape of your life.

5. Be impulsive.
