Television as we know it is changing. The way televisions look, how they operate, how we watch them, and what we watch on them is almost unrecognizable from how we did things only a decade ago. As streaming services gain wider and wider audiences, the television industry is huffing and puffing to keep up.
Most mobile data plans from carriers such as T-Mobile offer users data connections that are fast enough to support high-definition streaming. It's a whole new ball game when it comes to watching your favorite shows and movies.
First, let's talk streaming. Consumers are getting more and more used to binge watching their favorite shows thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. What has now been dubbed "the Netflix effect" has changed how we watch television, and some would argue that it isn't entirely for the better.
There's something about the anticipation felt while waiting for a new episode of your favorite show. Suspense builds and then is released in a weekly episodic viewing. That's not really the case with streaming. Suspense is still there, of course, but it's a shorter high than before. We can binge-watch a season of a heart-pounding show such as "Breaking Bad" in a couple of sittings. And there is, of course, that awful withdrawal period after we run out of new episodes.
Still, streaming television is undeniably convenient and downright cool. No commercials, no waiting an entire week for another episode, and no shelling out $50 or more a month for cable packages filled with channels that we never watch. Streaming is easily the most significant thing to happen to the TV industry in a long time, and we definitely aren't done witnessing its effects.

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
In terms of cosmetics, TV manufacturing companies are having to make some changes to draw in consumers. The Consumer Electronics Association reported that 98% of American homes have a TV, with the average home owning 2.9 televisions. Owners tend to buy TVs with the intent to keep them for a long time, so how can television manufacturers make their product more appealing?
For starters, they're making TVs look cooler. Companies such as Samsung and Panasonic have unveiled their versions of TVs with a curved screen. These companies claim that a curved screen gives viewers a more immersive experience that's easier to see, particularly on larger screens. Is this makeover completely necessary? Definitely not, but it will certainly find an audience. While not necessary, these TV's provide a different experience, if you are intrigued you can look at some examples of the best OLED TV's at a local Costco, Walmart, or look them up online.

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
Most TV manufacturers have met the demand for streaming capability by adding streaming service apps to their operating systems, but consumers have made it clear that the bells and whistles can't stop there. Our smart TVs have to be smarter. cited a Nielsen report that found that 84% of people who owned smartphones or tablets used those devices while watching TV. There is more demand for social networking integration and easier Internet browsing, and manufacturers are struggling to perfect those services. It feels awkward to navigate most smart TV apps and programs with a remote, but the answer can't be adding a keyboard to your television set-up. Companies such as LG are working to overcome TV's limitations by developing better operating systems for their products.

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
Higher definition is about to get higher. Expect to see ultra high-definition (UHD) TVs coming off the trucks in larger numbers in the near future. These UHD TVs boast 4K resolution that makes watching television feel like looking out a really clean window.
Don't be surprised by the price tag, though. UHD sets probably won't be available for anything less than $3,000, at least not anytime soon. There's also the question of content, though Netflix is already cranking out shows in UHD. Other companies such as DirectTV have also announced 4K support.
What else is in store for television? Time will tell. As long as technology continues to evolve at the rate that it has been, it's nearly impossible to say what TV will look like ten years from now. No matter what, though, it's sure to be exciting.
Most mobile data plans from carriers such as T-Mobile offer users data connections that are fast enough to support high-definition streaming. It's a whole new ball game when it comes to watching your favorite shows and movies.
The Netflix Effect
First, let's talk streaming. Consumers are getting more and more used to binge watching their favorite shows thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. What has now been dubbed "the Netflix effect" has changed how we watch television, and some would argue that it isn't entirely for the better.
There's something about the anticipation felt while waiting for a new episode of your favorite show. Suspense builds and then is released in a weekly episodic viewing. That's not really the case with streaming. Suspense is still there, of course, but it's a shorter high than before. We can binge-watch a season of a heart-pounding show such as "Breaking Bad" in a couple of sittings. And there is, of course, that awful withdrawal period after we run out of new episodes.
Still, streaming television is undeniably convenient and downright cool. No commercials, no waiting an entire week for another episode, and no shelling out $50 or more a month for cable packages filled with channels that we never watch. Streaming is easily the most significant thing to happen to the TV industry in a long time, and we definitely aren't done witnessing its effects.
A New Look

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
In terms of cosmetics, TV manufacturing companies are having to make some changes to draw in consumers. The Consumer Electronics Association reported that 98% of American homes have a TV, with the average home owning 2.9 televisions. Owners tend to buy TVs with the intent to keep them for a long time, so how can television manufacturers make their product more appealing?
For starters, they're making TVs look cooler. Companies such as Samsung and Panasonic have unveiled their versions of TVs with a curved screen. These companies claim that a curved screen gives viewers a more immersive experience that's easier to see, particularly on larger screens. Is this makeover completely necessary? Definitely not, but it will certainly find an audience. While not necessary, these TV's provide a different experience, if you are intrigued you can look at some examples of the best OLED TV's at a local Costco, Walmart, or look them up online.
More Brains

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
Most TV manufacturers have met the demand for streaming capability by adding streaming service apps to their operating systems, but consumers have made it clear that the bells and whistles can't stop there. Our smart TVs have to be smarter. cited a Nielsen report that found that 84% of people who owned smartphones or tablets used those devices while watching TV. There is more demand for social networking integration and easier Internet browsing, and manufacturers are struggling to perfect those services. It feels awkward to navigate most smart TV apps and programs with a remote, but the answer can't be adding a keyboard to your television set-up. Companies such as LG are working to overcome TV's limitations by developing better operating systems for their products.
A Brighter Future

Image via Flickr by samsungtomorrow
Higher definition is about to get higher. Expect to see ultra high-definition (UHD) TVs coming off the trucks in larger numbers in the near future. These UHD TVs boast 4K resolution that makes watching television feel like looking out a really clean window.
Don't be surprised by the price tag, though. UHD sets probably won't be available for anything less than $3,000, at least not anytime soon. There's also the question of content, though Netflix is already cranking out shows in UHD. Other companies such as DirectTV have also announced 4K support.
What else is in store for television? Time will tell. As long as technology continues to evolve at the rate that it has been, it's nearly impossible to say what TV will look like ten years from now. No matter what, though, it's sure to be exciting.