First off, what are your names, how old are you and where are you from?
Jake Bosci, 19 from Tannum Sands,
Michael Beatson, 20 from
How did you guys meet and how long have you been working together?
We met through friends basically and started writing some music together when Michael filled in for our guitarist in a high school band. We started writing together about 2 years ago and released an EP in April last year.
How do you guys get along with each other?
We're awesome friends. Family even, so we have had our tough times and amazing times, but the amazing times outweigh the bad ones.
What are you least favorite traits about the other one, and then what are your favorite traits?
Ha, I get stressed easy, Mick doesn't get stressed enough. Michael's pretty level headed, so he thinks about things and always looks for the positives.
How would you describe your style of music for everyone out there who has not yet heard of you?
Acoustic pop kind of music...we try to take a lot of time with our lyrics and make sure it's honest and will mean a lot to us when we take the songs on tour and stuff like that...

What kind of Projects do you have going on right now?
We've been at home for a little while now saving money and writing new songs for an EP we'll be recording in April in
Can you please explain what an EP is for your fans?
Basically you have an album, which is 9 songs, or more and then an EP, which is 8 songs, or EP is more of a showcase/demo we'll release in our attempts to gain label support, new fans etc, etc.
What are some of your favorite things to do?
Surf as much as we can on our days off, write new music, and hang out with friends.
Do you have girlfriends?
I'm the lonely one in the band ha ha, no girlfriend. Michael is in a relationship.
What is your favorite music genre?
Acoustic rock
Who are some of your favorite artists out there?
Dashboard Confessional,
Who would you like to work with?
In regards to producing a CD I think a dream came true with working with Matt Malpass...People like Matt Squire would be amazing.... anyone that's really interested in helping us grow and bring the bets out of us I guess. In regards to labels, one eleven, fearless and fueled by ramen seem to have a lot of support in the bands they sign so that would be amazing.
What sets you apart form the next?
Honesty in our lyrics. They are uplifting and something that everyone can relate to on a lot of different levels.
What is your favorite song on the record?
Distance...although we're really, really excited to get in the studio with Matt Malpass (rookie of the year,
Have you ever been to the
We've never been. New York would be lovely and the beaches in California as well.
Who do you want to see in the super bowl?
Being from Australia I don't know much about the super bowl/I don't know anything ha. So, when we come over we'll have to get someone to teach us how it all works
If we did this interview one year from now, where would you see youselves?
Hopefully on tour in America, supporting our release with label support. Maybe on tour with someone like Dashboard Confessional lol....maybe.
Anything you want to say to your fans out there?
Thank you for taking the time to check out our music...thanks for coming to shows, buying our EP and telling your friends. It means so, so much!
Thank you to Ellington, for sitting down and doing this interview. If you want to hear more from Ellington go check out their Myspace page at and you be the judge.