
"Forever In Your Eyes" is an inspirational, uplifting, motivational and delightful book. Each of the poems are insightful, healing and touching such as "Deep In My Heart," "My Heart Speaks," and "Bring Back The Holy Spirit." After reading, "Forever In Your Eyes," you will find yourself completely energized and refreshed. My favorite poem written by Sylvia Dianne Beverly and is published in ""Forever In Your Eyes" is entitled: "It's Up To Me."

"Its Up To Me"


Be a leader

Even if it means standing alone

Be unique

Have a style and mind of your own.

Be steadfast, solid on your convictions

Stand up for your predictions

Initiate brand new traditions

Be truthful, especially to self

Know honesty and love wins above all else.

Be on time

Be the first in line

You just might get a quarter instead of a dime.

Be thankful and prayerful morning noon and night

God our Father will lead you

Guide you towards what's right.

Be pleasant, be optimistic, smile say hello first

Yes, thank you, please, make them daily verse.

Be wise and witty – success will be for thee

All the while saying if it is to be

It's up to me.

(Dedicated to Korin – 11/23/02)


About Golden Arts Publishing

Golden Arts Publishing Co is a based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan region.  Founded by Ms. Sylvia Dianne Beverly "Ladi Di", the primary mission of the company is helping folks to publish, publishing folks and publishing self.  Workshops, presentations and consultations are services being offered.
Our first book entitled: Forever In Your Eyes is available online at authorsbookshop.com or directly from the publisher. For further information about Golden Arts Publishing contact Ms. Sylvia Dianne Beverly at 240-353-1576.

About Dr.Maya Angelou


She is an author, poet, playwright, professional stage and screen producer, director, and performer, and singer. For more information about her visit http://authors.aalbc.com/maya.htm


Author: Sylvia Dianne Beverly
Publisher: Golden Arts Publishing
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 " inches, 124 pages
Format: Perfect Bound Trade Paperback
-African American Interest
BookID: 0971632905
List price: $15.99


Ms. Sylvia Dianne Beverly, "Ladi Di" is a native of Washington, D.C, CEO of Golden Arts Publishing Co, founder/director of  "Girls and Boys with Hearts," poet, and author of Forever In Your Eyes (A potpourri of poems of love, appreciations and tributes, dedicated to Dr. Maya Angelou and published by Golden Arts Publishing Co.). For more information about her, visit





 - Reviewed by Afrika Midnight Asha Abney




Copyright © 2007 by Afrika Midnight Asha Abney