Well, the election is almost here. I like being in the middle so I can see which way the bullshit is coming at me.

Like most Americans, I have many issues with both candidates. In this Country, advertisements put together by slicksters (at least that's what they used to be called) and news organizations distribute propaganda masquerading as news in order to make it difficult to figure out whos shitting on us.

Im very independent and swear no allegiance to a party. I look at the person, their motives and their statements. I look at their record to see if what theyre saying now is what theyve always believed. If theyve changed their mind on an issue then I want to know why. I dont think theres anything wrong with changing your mind on an issue as long as it wasnt paid for by a PAC.

I for one am a little leery of multi-millionaire politicians complaining that people like them get all the breaks. If theyre so upset about it then theyre free to give more. No one forces millionaire politicians to exploit all the loopholes offered to them. If they truly 'cared,' theyd give more than their 'fair share' because they care - not because they need a piece of legislation to tell them so.

I for one am a little leery of a politician who claims hes gonna stop the export of jobs in this Country when his own wifes company has exported them for years (according to NEWS ORGANIZATION REPORTS). In reality, hes had a chance to show he was against exporting American jobs before he ever got involved in this race and yet hes never done so in his own household. With that in mind, I find it hard to believe hell start now. Do you? If he does, it will be a form of  'corporate welfare' which will get bastardized as well. The answer is not easy. If companies dont maintain competiveness in the world market they wont have jobs to offer anyone. Thats the reality and its not an easy fix.

On the other hand, I have a hard time with a party that sends us off to a war before we finish the one we were forced to jump into. I think it was irresponsible but inevitable.

Both of these candidates are wealthy beyond most of our dreams. I see nothing wrong with being wealthy. THATS WHAT THIS COUNTRY OFFERS! This is the land of opportunity. Were all told that we can do what we want and be who we want. However were given an education system that pretty much sucks ass. The teachers are dumped on, the curriculum is schizophrenic, and yet the higher-ups who make the mess get paid more than those who have to clean it. I for one am a victim of the Chicago Public School System where I had a principal who couldnt string a sentence together without spewing spit and mis-speaking. And now hes revered in the education field. Go figure.

To make a good living and live a comfortable life is what we all work toward. With more money comes more opportunity to do well, help others and OURSELVES and participate in purchasing goods that are made by PEOPLE.

I find something inherently phony about rich politicians bastardizing other rich politicians. To me, thats like a fat man calling another fat man FAT!

What Im getting at is that there are many rich Republicans and many of them are bizarre to put it mildly. But lets not act like theres no rich Democrats. I dont know about you but Ive never met a poor Democrat. I also submit to you that many of them are just as nuts as those crazy right-wing Republicans.

In this election you really need to be educated. You really need to research whos telling the truth, whos slanting the truth, who skirting the truth and whos just shoveling shit in your yard for you to clean. You also need to examine alternative political parties such as the Libertairians.

Unfortunately, too many people in this country live by buzzwords - talking points and images MARKETED to us by groups with an agenda. Deciphering the real reason things happen the way they do in this country is not easy. It certainly isnt found in Michael Moores mind-manipulating editing. Its not found in George Bushs stumbling over words. Its not found in a book that denounces a mans service to his country 35 years ago. Its found by researching a track record that candidates have. Rely on YOURSELF not others to lead your mind in a direction they want you to go.

There is a line in my all-time favorite movie: The Formula. It starred George C. Scott and Marlon Brando. Near the end of the movie, the dialogue between those two formed the most powerful statements Ive ever heard. I recommend you get this movie and watch it. Its an incredible story. George C. Scott and Marlon Brando are sitting in Marlons office waiting for George C. Scotts partner to be released. While theyre waiting, Marlon Brando tells George C. Scott, "Barney, people dont want to be leaders, theyre just waiting for someone to come around who they think are wonderful to follow.

When you see the Kool-Aid drinkers on both sides theres nothing more truthful than that statement.

I hope that you all are educated on the issues and understand why each candidate has voted the way theyve voted in the past. Dont believe all the nonsense spewed by right-wing talk show hosts or 'hump-a-tree-save-a-whale' left-wing kooks.

It is dangerous to let singers, actors, and others who live a life so removed from reality do your thinking for you. Use your head and vote with knowledge that youve gained on your own, not what others have put in your head.

Dont be so angry about rich people being rich either. One day you may be one of them and then what will you do?