On April 19th, 1775, the earth shook as the first shots of the American Revolution rang out. The fault had finally slipped forcing a Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. So began the making of a new Republic, an American Republic. A new Representative Democracy. That is what the United States is, a Republic, NOT a Democracy.
Republics have elected representatives which represent, legislate, and govern in the people's interests. Democracy, or citizenship democracy is government of the masses --the mob, or any other direct meeting by the mob. Thus, evolving into a mobocracy; resulting in views of Communism, and theft of property rights; laws will be passed by souls of the majority, whether they are passed on impulse, prejudice, passion, or fear, without restraint or thought to consequences of actions. This then leads to anarchy, tyranny by the mob; demagoguery, agitation, discontentment, eventually resulting in a tyrannical dictatorship.
However, this is not how I am going to talk about democracy; I will talk about democracy in the sense of freedom, prosperity, liberty, and the advent of a free society.
There are many reasons for the revolution: different political views, representation, and economics, et cetra.The passing of the Sugar and Stamp Acts fueled the anger and passion of the colonists to form a new republic. The Revolutionary War led to a Constitution, which created a nation- a Federal Republic/Representative Democracy.
In retrospect, we are a nation made from tragedy and triumphs. We have survived many wars, and even one Civil War; we have also survived Americas persecution of her citizens. America has battled over States' rights, economics and slavery. We fought in two World Wars and won. We won the Cold War and ended Communism.
After being polarized in the Sixties- surviving a turbulent Civil Rights and anti-war era- we gave equal rights to blacks and fought to bring democracy and freedom to the world. By ending the Cold War, we gave Eastern Europe freedom, democracy, and a chance to form their own republics. We ended the tyranny of Communism- which killed millions and thwarted the civil liberties of citizens of the Communist nations.
The United States since September 11th, 2001, has never been so united. Our lives changed forever. There was a new threat to our Republic- terrorism. It threatened our democracy and freedom, our way of life, and the governance of the republic. When 9-11 happened, our Republic froze and we all paused to wonder why. Air traffic halted, just as our lives halted for that day, as we looked at our scared nation. Since the Cold War, there has never been a bigger threat to our way of life since Communism. Groups like Al-quada and the Taliban hate our freedoms, and our joys of self-expression. That is, after all, what democracy is in a Federated Republic, is it not? We all watched our fellow Americans dreams fade away as those two buildings fell in a cloud of dust and smoke.
September 11th, 2001 brought on a new war, a "War on Terror," or what I'd like to call the "Third World War." We are now fighting and spreading democracy so that others may smell the fresh air of freedom. In the advent of our losses that brought down the Trade Centers and parts of the Pentagon, we were able to bring freedom to two countries, following the Bush administration's foreign policy and determination to fight the enemy on their own soil. By bringing the war to the terrorists, we brought freedom to Afghanistan and Iraq. We brought democracy and have now formed new republics. Republics that represent the masses and not soley the interests of a dictator.
Since the Iraqi War, we have never been so polarized and divided as a country on the whole, in our respective views. The Iraqi war brought about many different views. The anti-war-anti-Bush movement opposed the war, the so-called peace-niks.
In the pro-war, pro-Bush movement, both sides barked their views on what's right and what's not. Seeing the liberal/democratic side oppose the war and the liberation of the Iraqis, which brought forth a federated Iraq and removed a brutal dictator makes me wonder, "What if the French had not helped us in the Revolutionary war? Would we be a Republic, or living under the British?" Perhaps.
Liberals say that Bush's foreign policy is unilateral..?? Is it? Well, let's look at what we know. If his policy on Iraq was unilateral, why would the UN, in Resolution 1441, approve going to war if Saddam did not comply unanimously? Or why is it the United States was able to form the Coalition of the Willing, made up of 40 nations? Just because France and Germany did not agree with us, it does not mean the rest of the world doesn't agree with us as well.
One of the greatest opportunities in the world has been given to America and her allies. That opportunity is making possible the formation of a New Republic, an Iraq that is free to vote, and express themselves however they choose. It is democracy in the works. Although, if we are looking at democracy from the view of freedom, and our right to vote, and elect representatives to represent you and I (a republic) ---it's not the most efficient type of government, but it is the best.
When thinking of "democracy," we should be thinking of a free society, and us having the ability to elect representatives in a republican form of government (representative democracy). We should not confuse democracy in the United States with democracy in Iraq. Iraq will be a republic, which elects representatives to represent Iraqis in a federated Iraq.
In defense of the word, 'democracy' gives us freedom of choice. It gives us the freedom to say what we want and vote for who we want to represent us. While reading about the European Elections, one must wonder if we are seeing a Republic in the making? Then, after looking at the results of the elections, one must wonder if the European Union will survive. If a Republic is to survive, and democracy is to prevail, how can it do so when voters fail to turn out and vote?
As CBC reported, only 45% of eligible voters in the EU voted. If only 155 million out of 350 million in the EU voted, how is it to survive? We also saw ruling parties ousted; with the UK Indpendance Party gaining 12 seats, which was once a fringe party. They advocate Britain's secession from the EU, and want the country to stay a sovereign nation. While watching and reading about the elections, it also makes you wonder why less than half in the United States vote during our elections.
If you don't vote, how can you have a say in our Republic? How can "you" elect a representative to represent your interests when our lawmakers and president are in power? Well, you can't; thus, by not voting you cannot have your views or issues represented.
On another note, another threat to our great American Republic is judicial activism. As a republic we have checks and balances; each branch overlaps the other, watching the other. On the judicial side, they interpret our Constitution; in the past few years, we have seen a rise in judicial activism. I don't care if you are liberal or republican, making a decision based on ideology instead of constitutionality is wrong.
For example, we have recently seen the Supreme Court in Massachusetts allow gay marriage. This is a major --social and cultural-- issue. This must not be allowed. On issues this important, because we are a republic and vote on representatives to legislate, issues of this nature must be decided by the people, not by judges who are blinded by their political beliefs. It is not the job of the courts to legislate; it is their job to determine if a law is constitutional; it is their job to decide judgment on criminals if found guilty.
In the coming election on November 5th, 2004, there are a many great issues that we Americans, must decide. Everyone who is eligible to vote must vote. If you do not, you cannot have a say in how your country is governed. There are many issues we must decide; we need to take into account the effect a new president would have on our troops. We must elect a president with values, one who is willing to do what it takes to win the War on Terror.
Americans, I call out to you. We are in a fight for our very existence. These terrorists want to destroy our way of life, our freedom. And they will, if we let them destroy our great Republic, our democracy, and all the freedoms we as Americans share.
When voting, we must also take into account our troops. Whether it be good or bad, they deserve to have incumbent president as their Commander-in-Chief (The War Time President) not someone who voted for the war, then against its funding. Also, if we are to keep this great republic of ours, we must also stop these activist-judges. If that means letting the Congress overturn a court decision by a super majority, then so be it. If that means having elections for judges, then so be it. If we are not carful, not vigilant, and if we stop our participation in government, we will lose this great nation.
We will burn and fall like Nero's Rome.