According to CNN, more than 80% of the states have said no to Kobach's request to release the voter data which, among other things, includes the names, addresses, party affiliations as well as voting record since 2006. After Trump's administration receives the data, the data would be made public.
Although 41 states have said no to the request, some of them are willing to cooperate on some level, like supplying information that is already public.
The request was made by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, headed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and created by Trump's executive order back in May.
Although Kobach claims that they are only asking for information already publicly available, there is some question about it.
The Election Integrity Commission was created because, according to Trump, and let's be clear, based on no evidence, millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.
While some states are welcoming the request for data - Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee - others are not so eager to do that. Eighteen of them have been openly critical about it.
Trump at the same time is answering this kind of announcements in 140 letters or less, as usually. He tweeted "Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. What are they trying to hide?" The latter is the same question people have been asking about his tax returns for months, but so far, no answer.
Although 41 states have said no to the request, some of them are willing to cooperate on some level, like supplying information that is already public.
The request was made by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, headed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and created by Trump's executive order back in May.
Although Kobach claims that they are only asking for information already publicly available, there is some question about it.
The Election Integrity Commission was created because, according to Trump, and let's be clear, based on no evidence, millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.
While some states are welcoming the request for data - Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee - others are not so eager to do that. Eighteen of them have been openly critical about it.
My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from. Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes. -- Delbert Hosemann (Republican), Mississippi's Secretary of State.Trump at the same time is answering this kind of announcements in 140 letters or less, as usually. He tweeted "Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. What are they trying to hide?" The latter is the same question people have been asking about his tax returns for months, but so far, no answer.
Here's the full list of data being asked (and which would eventually all be made public):
- full name
- address
- data of birth
- political affiliations
- last for digits of social security number
- list of elections they have voted in since 2006
- information about felony convictions
- military status
- information whether they are living overseas
- information on whether they are registered to vote in other states
- full name
- address
- data of birth
- political affiliations
- last for digits of social security number
- list of elections they have voted in since 2006
- information about felony convictions
- military status
- information whether they are living overseas
- information on whether they are registered to vote in other states