This article belongs to And That's the Way It Is column.
During the process of ‘exhuming' various hidden Vatican files that relate to the various yet to be revealed sex offenders within the Catholic Church, members of the International Law Compliance Forum (ILCF) have stumbled across some rather interesting and indeed disturbing instances of the Vatican, and the now Pope Cardinal Ratzinger in particular, hiding information about cases of sex abuse and pedophilia within the Catholic Church.
Once such case, and there are thousands of them, involves a European then Catholic Bishop who, over a substantial period of time, abused a number of young boys within the diocese that he was in charge of. When the matter was eventually brought to the attention of the Vatican and Cardinal Ratzinger in particular, Ratzinger being the head of what is known as the ‘Sacred Congregation For The Doctrine Of Faith", there were intense discussions within the Vatican as to how to proceed with this case the main aim being to limit the damage to the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
It was decided that compensation (hush money) should be offered to some of the more vocal victims via the various processes, some of which were illegal, in return for their silence. The money was paid and it was decided that the Bishop was to remain in his post under the supervision of his Vatican superiors. The bishop was eventually promoted by the Vatican to become a Cardinal which the offender still is today.
This instance highlights the length to which the Vatican will go in terms of protecting their patch without having any regard for normal processes of criminal law within the various countries and also highlights the fact that Ratzinger, as the head of the Catholic Church, is not a fit and proper person to be Pope this given the fact that the hiding of vital documents related to criminal offences committed is a criminal offence in its own right as well as the fact that he failed to pass on information to the proper authorities within the various countries involved.
While, at this point in time, I am not going name the Cardinal for the reasons as to allow authorities to proceed against the offender involved, many more of these sorts of cases will, over time, be brought to light by the ILCF as it proceeds to hand over the numerous files that it now has copies of. The file related to the individual in question has been handed over to the proper authorities within the country where the offences were committed.
One interesting aspect of the comments made by Ratzinger on these files is the fact that some of them are done in German while others are in Italian.
And after all that.
My name is Henk Luf.
And That's The Way It Is.
It was decided that compensation (hush money) should be offered to some of the more vocal victims via the various processes, some of which were illegal, in return for their silence. Once such case, and there are thousands of them, involves a European then Catholic Bishop who, over a substantial period of time, abused a number of young boys within the diocese that he was in charge of. When the matter was eventually brought to the attention of the Vatican and Cardinal Ratzinger in particular, Ratzinger being the head of what is known as the ‘Sacred Congregation For The Doctrine Of Faith", there were intense discussions within the Vatican as to how to proceed with this case the main aim being to limit the damage to the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
It was decided that compensation (hush money) should be offered to some of the more vocal victims via the various processes, some of which were illegal, in return for their silence. The money was paid and it was decided that the Bishop was to remain in his post under the supervision of his Vatican superiors. The bishop was eventually promoted by the Vatican to become a Cardinal which the offender still is today.
This instance highlights the length to which the Vatican will go in terms of protecting their patch without having any regard for normal processes of criminal law within the various countries and also highlights the fact that Ratzinger, as the head of the Catholic Church, is not a fit and proper person to be Pope this given the fact that the hiding of vital documents related to criminal offences committed is a criminal offence in its own right as well as the fact that he failed to pass on information to the proper authorities within the various countries involved.
While, at this point in time, I am not going name the Cardinal for the reasons as to allow authorities to proceed against the offender involved, many more of these sorts of cases will, over time, be brought to light by the ILCF as it proceeds to hand over the numerous files that it now has copies of. The file related to the individual in question has been handed over to the proper authorities within the country where the offences were committed.
One interesting aspect of the comments made by Ratzinger on these files is the fact that some of them are done in German while others are in Italian.
And after all that.
My name is Henk Luf.
And That's The Way It Is.