

The 3rd phase of the Indian elections were held recently in the southern part of the country. The 4th and final phase will be held May 10th.


The opposition leader, Buba Galaima, was recently arrested for a possible security breach. Many high ranking military officers were also arrested.  I wonder if Nigeria has a "patriot act?"


The Golkar Party founded by former dictator, President Suharto, won 21.6% in a recent election and was proclaimed the winner. The party of current President, Mrs. Megawati, came in second with 18% of the vote. Mrs.Megawati will face an uncertain re-election in July. I wonder if their Supreme Court declared the winner or refused to hear the case?


(not the state, but the country)  Georgian leader Mikhail Saakashvili has put himself in charge of the rebel state of Ajaria. The Ajaria region is the major link for oil into the country. Early results of the election show Mr. Saakashvili with 78.6% of the vote. Maybe Haliburton will sell Georgia fuel at the same price it sold to the American military. I think NOT!

United States:

President Bush and Mr. Kerry recently went on bus tours thru the midwest talking about jobs. Mr.Bush's bus was built by a Canadian company and Mr. Kerry's  bus was built in the United States. Things that make you go Hummgh!

Also, Mr.Rumsfeld will testify on Capital Hill this week about the recent abuse of Iraqi prisoners. The Congress is upset that the Secretary did not mention that abuse in a closed door meeting one day before the 60 Minutes expose that aired the next night. Some U.S. Senators are asking for his resignation. Hopefully, they are designated enemy combatants and sent away under the "Patriot Act."

So ends another week of politics...

Keep an eye on those guys in D.C. and elsewhere around the world and we will see ya next week. Maybe the election results will be in from India and Malaysia by then.