So far there have been no legal restrictions in Ukraine for selling of products that have 0,9 % of GM substances in
If you go to any market, shop centre in
Many Ukrainian people know about this problem – danger of GM issues for human organism from media sources, but only some of us realised that we are so close to it in our country. Majority consider that GM problem are not ours. Allegedly, it's foreign priority.
Recently Ukrainian government declared its intention to cancel the previous Decree on obligatory marking of any products that contain 0,9 percents of GM elements. State official Alexander Shnipko declared it. According to his words, special group of people responsible for considerations of executing
Prior to Ukrainian other structure "Gospotrebstandard", responsible for controlling the standards in any food industry, declared that it suggested Ukrainian government ( KABMIN) to delay the realisation of the mentioned Decree until elaboration of all necessary legal document, regulating the mechanism of the marking GM elements in products. It suggested to put that Decree on practise starting from December 1st this year.
"Gospotrebstandard" notices that such Decree is very important for
"Gospotrebstandard" was proposed to Ukrainian product producers to put the marking on their food production about absence of GM elements. Allegedly, it would be done for advertisement of Ukrainian healthy food production, in their favour.