In a recent devlopment in Iraq, the Russian fighters were found buried in the desert. Two things can be surmised by the recent find. The first is why the Russians did not want us to go to war. They were selling technology to Sadam Hussein after 9-11 as were the French. The second thing is this shows how hard it is to find weapons of any sort in this country. If the Iraqis could bury a plane and it take our teams this long to find a 22 ton object, how long could it take to find containers of chemical and biological weapons?
Let us get back to the first point. Why were the Russians so adamant about us not going to war? I think we have our answer now. They were selling weapons to this brutal dictator. Ignoring a United Nations ban on this practice. Just like the French were selling missles, the Russians were selling another delivery system to the Iraqis. Both of these items are delivery systems to the now infamous "weapons of mass destruction".
My next question is what was behind the German policy of non-support for the war in Iraq? We may find that answer out as our teams further search this vast desert country. The second point brings up the question of the search. If they cound hide a jet plane in the desert for all these months, how hard would it be to hide some barrels of chemical or biological weapons? We are only beginning to search this vast desert country and we may still find the answer to that question or may never find anything.
My final question is why these delivery systems found in the desert never given much press to the world? Does our current administration have something to hide, or do they not want to embarass these countries about their non-support of the American people after 9-11? Is it poliitcs as normal in Washington D.C.? We may have answers to these questions in the near future as our country enters into an election year. So please stay tuned.