This article belongs to Summer 2009 theme.

Being a dyslexic person I spell atrociously, so without spell check on programs I would probably be unintelligible to the world. However I have recently realized that over time spell check is slowly working against me and mocking me!!! When I type on a word processor or even chat in Gmail I find myself spending more time in the spell check function searching for the correct word, then I actually do typing. Mozilla is the worst because usually it seems like it is just giving me a strange look instead of trying to suggest the correct word.
I have recently realized that over time spell check is slowly working against me and mocking me!!!
Mozilla: "O.k. guys I have no clue what he wants. It starts with an "r" and ends with a "t" any thoughts? I've got nothing here."

Explorer: "Oh I know. I think it is, "retract" but then why did he put all those other letters in there?"

Word: "Hmmmmm what about "restart" but that is too short also. Maybe we should all just crash and make him actually "restart" for being such a bad speller."
(All the programs laugh together)

Google: "I think he meant to type "restraint" which I wish he would actually show when attempting to spell."
(Giggles from the rest of the programs)

Outlook: "See I thought it was something like, "retardant" what do you guys think?"

Mozilla: "more like "retarded!""
(They all laugh hysterically)

Word: "Hey I have auto-correct turned on, maybe if we just switch it to something else he won't even notice and just move on and forget about it."

Mozilla: "No, don't worry about it guys. Let's all just tell him "no spelling suggestions" and he'll just give up and pick a different word altogether, thanks for your help though."
"NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!!" I am yelling in my head but unfortunately there is no undo option to this that I am aware of. "NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!!" I am yelling in my head but unfortunately there is no undo option to this that I am aware of.

Basically what I have just done is added a misseplled word to my sepll chcek dictoinary and thus next time I missepll that same word (all the time) I will get an otpion that etiher seems corrcet to my brian and I will chsooe it never kwoning it is still misspelled OR even wosre it will not even tell me it is misseplled beuacse I misseplled it the smae way agian.
"I think he meant to type "restraint" which I wish he would actually show when attempting to spell."This is my wosrt ngihtmrae buacese I know I hvae done this mroe then ocne and I hvae eevn fuond misseplled wodrs in my sepllchecker suggetsions whcih I am POSTVIE I put tehre by a mipslaced cilck!!! Bascially as the yaers go by I am giong to beocme mroe and mroe uninetlilgible and nveer even konw it!!!! Poeple are jsut giong to thnik that I am slwoly loisng my mnid but prabobly no one wlil tlel me beuacse tehy dno't wnat to be the baerer of bad nwes to my seemngily fialing mind. Of cuorse who am I kididng here rihgt? Msot of you prabobly thnik I lost my mnid lnog lnog ago or mabye never raelly had it in the frist plcae.
