Recently, the Roe vs. Wade decision had an anniversary. There are
things going on in the realm of women's rights that shouldn't be taking
place -- know what I mean?

I am all for a woman's right to
choose. When it comes to my body, our bodies, I think that there are
some things that all those crazy ,anti-abortionist,women's clinic
blowing-up ding-dongs need to understand: this is MY body, jackass, and
you are not going to have a say-so in what I or any other woman in this
country does with her body.

I wouldn't consider an abortion
for myself, but I will be damned if I am going to let some psycho-moron
take away my right to make decisions regarding my body. I won't go on
here about the things that I do not think are right, morally or
otherwise. However, I will be damned to prehistoric hell before I will
allow people to tell me what I can do or cannot do with my ovaries.
Society thinks it's acceptable to think of certain female internal body
parts as responsible for the future. I think that it is wrong to assume
that the rest of the world thinks the same way that I do, you do,
anyone does. Your body is your own. What you choose to do with it is
your choice, not that of those who (ahem) know better.

To the
folks who think it is acceptable to push their own agendas onto women
who prefer to make up their own minds, you ought to be strapped to the
nearest power pole with duct tape, in your underwear and made to wear a
sign that reads "Girl Power" sporting a pair of magenta bowling shoes
with 4" high heels, while repeating that you would rather take away the
rights of women than to disappoint your crazy, likely inbred,

Though I feel strongly about the rights of the
unborn, I also feel strongly about the women whose rights it is to make
a choice about the unborn. No matter how I feel about the choices that
other women make, the fact is that it is still their choice, and like I
will defend anyone's right to say what they want, I will absolutely
fight to the death (or get very loud, whichever hurts less) for your
right to do with your body what you feel you have the right to do with

These are our bodies, and our choice. It is because of Roe
vs. Wade that we are free and it is legal to do what the hell we want
with them.