(Inventor of the Funniest Place on Earth!)
When any of three, four, or five generations of stand-up comics sit on the ground telling tall tales of the sad death of comedy clubs, Mitzi Shore's name inevitably comes up. How could it not?

The David Lettermans, Robin Williamses, the Richard Pryors, the Gary Shandlings, the Roseanne Barrs, and other wannabe hopefuls (like me!) all have a few wild stories to re-tell about the Queen of Comedy, founder of Hollywood's World Famous Comedy Store.
The stand-up comedian factory on Sunset Blvd. was born in the early 70's when Mitzi started working her unique magic. It continues today, nightly, hilariously, and God and Mitzi willing, eternally! When you hear of luminaries like the famous movie producer: David O. Selznik, or the vaudeville and burlesque impresario: Flo Ziegfeld, we may want to include and add some laurels for Mitzi Shore. Show biz history should note that Mitzi touched and aided as many, if not more, laughter- filled comedian's careers. A lot of Americans remember some of their educational moments fondly. For me, and countless other comics, Mitzi, and The Comedy Store (that she so expertly molded and nurtured) was the best teacher and school I ever had.
Mitzi's list of innovations is prodigious! (Continuous comedy all night. Her simple stage layout: black curtain, single mic, solo pianist. {Brick walls are so cheap!} Cable TV specials. Her come-back shows featuring stand-up greats: Mort Sahl, Soupy Sales, David Frye, Dick Gregory, and Rodney Dangerfield. Network development deals for emerging acts. The Belly Room, to encourage more lady stand-ups. Michael Keaton as Batman, Paul Mooney, George Miller, Jimmy Walker, Ben Bailey of Cash Cab fame, Jim Carrey, and Andy "Dice" Clay.
Go to the Comedy Store website, or better yet, go to the actual Funniest Place on Earth at 8433 Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles. You might even see the Pauly Shore perform! Our three separate showrooms offer the possibility to watch the next Steve Harvey, Jeff Foxworthy, or Ellen DeGeneres strut their stuff. The Original Room show offers more than 15 acts each night.
The Belly Room upstairs used to be exclusively for female comics, (like Whoopi Goldberg and Lois Bromfield) but has evolved to present them, and the cutting edge in New Age stand-ups. The Main Room used to be the legendary "Ciro's" in the 1930's and 40's. Our storied alumni include Sinatra, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Victor Borge, Buddy Rich and his orchestra, Richard Pryor (at his best), Chevy Chase, Johnny Witherspoon, Tim Reid, Sam Kinnison, Bobby Lee, Jay Leno, and many more incredible names than even Sammy Shore could shake a stick at!
If you've ever wondered where all those funny people come from, the answer is everywhere! But, for a stand-up to get anywhere in Hollywood, it takes a workable path. It takes a trail, a road. And, in this particular case, all should know that the super highway autobahn named The Comedy Store was designed and built by the Queen of Comedy: Mitzi Shore! Somebody should say thanks to her! Any of her comics who have a memory or a conscious really should respond.
With poor health, Mitzi is seldom seen in her funny domain in the last couple of years. But, most experienced eyes can still spot her expert hand on the tiller and helm. (Tiller and Helm, wasn't that the names that The Smothers Brothers used when they started?) How about an asterisk or footnote for the dominance of her Comedy Store franchises in the 70's, 80's, 90's, and oughties? How about a getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the Comedy Store's Mitzi Shore? How about it? It's the next logical step. Soon!
Hoards of working comics owe their comedic control and self-marketing skills to The Comedy Store system. I do! (All 2,977 paid shows in 45 states and 23 countries in which I was privileged to perform.) At this point, the very least her graduates and alumni can do, is to acknowledge Mitzi's importance in their lives and careers. Just call her, write her, or email her! Or just say "Hi" to her during their talk show gigs, and wish her, and The Comedy Store, well. We really all owe this little thing to her, don't we? I want to nominate her for a star on The Walk of Fame!
Thanks Mitzi! We love you! Get well soon!
When any of three, four, or five generations of stand-up comics sit on the ground telling tall tales of the sad death of comedy clubs, Mitzi Shore's name inevitably comes up. How could it not?

The stand-up comedian factory on Sunset Blvd. was born in the early 70's when Mitzi started working her unique magic. It continues today, nightly, hilariously, and God and Mitzi willing, eternally! When you hear of luminaries like the famous movie producer: David O. Selznik, or the vaudeville and burlesque impresario: Flo Ziegfeld, we may want to include and add some laurels for Mitzi Shore. Show biz history should note that Mitzi touched and aided as many, if not more, laughter- filled comedian's careers. A lot of Americans remember some of their educational moments fondly. For me, and countless other comics, Mitzi, and The Comedy Store (that she so expertly molded and nurtured) was the best teacher and school I ever had.
Mitzi's list of innovations is prodigious! (Continuous comedy all night. Her simple stage layout: black curtain, single mic, solo pianist. {Brick walls are so cheap!} Cable TV specials. Her come-back shows featuring stand-up greats: Mort Sahl, Soupy Sales, David Frye, Dick Gregory, and Rodney Dangerfield. Network development deals for emerging acts. The Belly Room, to encourage more lady stand-ups. Michael Keaton as Batman, Paul Mooney, George Miller, Jimmy Walker, Ben Bailey of Cash Cab fame, Jim Carrey, and Andy "Dice" Clay.
Go to the Comedy Store website, or better yet, go to the actual Funniest Place on Earth at 8433 Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles. You might even see the Pauly Shore perform! Our three separate showrooms offer the possibility to watch the next Steve Harvey, Jeff Foxworthy, or Ellen DeGeneres strut their stuff. The Original Room show offers more than 15 acts each night.

If you've ever wondered where all those funny people come from, the answer is everywhere! But, for a stand-up to get anywhere in Hollywood, it takes a workable path. It takes a trail, a road. And, in this particular case, all should know that the super highway autobahn named The Comedy Store was designed and built by the Queen of Comedy: Mitzi Shore! Somebody should say thanks to her! Any of her comics who have a memory or a conscious really should respond.
With poor health, Mitzi is seldom seen in her funny domain in the last couple of years. But, most experienced eyes can still spot her expert hand on the tiller and helm. (Tiller and Helm, wasn't that the names that The Smothers Brothers used when they started?) How about an asterisk or footnote for the dominance of her Comedy Store franchises in the 70's, 80's, 90's, and oughties? How about a getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the Comedy Store's Mitzi Shore? How about it? It's the next logical step. Soon!
Hoards of working comics owe their comedic control and self-marketing skills to The Comedy Store system. I do! (All 2,977 paid shows in 45 states and 23 countries in which I was privileged to perform.) At this point, the very least her graduates and alumni can do, is to acknowledge Mitzi's importance in their lives and careers. Just call her, write her, or email her! Or just say "Hi" to her during their talk show gigs, and wish her, and The Comedy Store, well. We really all owe this little thing to her, don't we? I want to nominate her for a star on The Walk of Fame!
Thanks Mitzi! We love you! Get well soon!
Lue Deck (an original Mitzi Shore production)
The Comic in Red Shoes

Home Club: Comedy Store Sunset. 1975-2014
The Comic in Red Shoes

Home Club: Comedy Store Sunset. 1975-2014