Each and every country has its own laws and sometimes, they can really make you laugh and cry at the same time. Let's take a look at some of the weird or just downright stupid ones here.

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- In Singapore it is illegal to have a Bible or to talk about Jesus. I just want to say one thing - fine by me! The best law ever! Hmm, or then to think about it, who am I going to make fun of then?
- Then again, in Ireland Blasphemy is prohibited by the constitution and carries a maximum fine of €25,000. Damn.
- Although it is illegal for children to buy cigarettes, condoms and alcohol in Australia, it is legal to use them. Now that's kind of stupid, isn't it?
- Another great idea from Australia - it is illegal to wear black clothes, felt shoes and slippers when you walk on the streets. Why? These items are worn by thieves.
- In Australia it is also illegal to dress up like Batman. I wonder why?
- In Tibet, monks wishing to reincarnate must first register with a government agency. Now that's faith all around!
- In UK, Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless in public except as a clerk in a tropical fish store. Can someone maybe point me in the right direction?
- Also in UK, if a burglar happens to jump on your roof causing it to collapse through which the burglar injures himself, he can sue you for negligence. Pretty much same works in US, go figure.
- In San Salvador drunk-driving is punishable by death. And should you get caught, the sentence is to be carried out immediately by a hastily-assembled firing squad.
- In Indonesia, do whatever you want to do, but masturbation is punishable by beheading.
- Need to take a piss? Like right now? Go to Scotland and knock on anyone's door, the law requires them to let you in.
- Thinking of becoming gynecologist in Bahrain? Learn to use the mirror then, the law there prohibits a gynecologist to look directly at a patient's organs.
- Obviously, when you're tired, you don't want to see when you crash your car into someones house. However, my friend, I have some bad news for you - in Alamaba you are not allowed to drive blindfolded!
- If you have a plague in UK, don't catch a cab, take a bus instead, as otherwise you might be convicted!
- Time travel or something like it. In Australia, tax authorities have the right to declare that an event that actually occurred never occurred, or that an event that never occurred did occur.
- In the European Union, the law guarantees laboratory animals the right to personal, emotional and intellectual growth.
- In Saudi Arabia, men are banned from walking their dogs, to prevent them from flirting with women. Phrr, so why have a dog at all then?
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