This article belongs to In Search of Laughs! column.
(Congratulations to
(Born Lhamo Dhondup, July 6,1935 in the Taskar region of
In it's chaotic history, one of the most enlightened moments that our American Congress has ever had, was when they awarded our Congressional Gold Medal to the much admired (and exiled) Tibetan head of state! This missive is meant to add my congratulations and thanks.
Hello Dalai!
Not many in
I too, want autonomous government in
By the way, I'd like to ask a favor of you. Could you...would you ask all of those other Dalai Lama(s) inside your head, of which I believe you are the most recently re-incarnated...Please give all of them my best...and ask them for me...if anyone has ever trod the path to enlightenment wearing red shoes? A timely answer here could save me a lot of hassle, Thanks!
Also, some questions I have about spirituality and religion need expert help, and I consider you an expert in both. I was raised as a Christian, flirted with Mormonism, and dabbled in both Catholicism and the Blue Oyster Cult. After I turned thirty, mostly I've tried to live as a Buddhist, struggling with my own personal search for universal oneness. I believe we should all love one another. With all the extremists of the world's religions in such dangerous and violent conflict, I look to you, Master Tenzin. I want you to show me the way! (Please forgive me for quoting Peter Frampton again?)
Here's my question: Do you it possible...could it be....that Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Vishnu, and Buddha were ALL THE SAME GUY??
So many of their teachings are quite similar, it makes me wonder if this same guy visited Earth at different times and places, teaching his truths to different people? Or maybe... I've just seen way too many episodes of "Star Trek".
So, using a techno-talk metaphor: Is His Holiness hot-wired to the preceding Dalai Lama(s) and, or, any of these respected prophets?? Can you talk with these venerable souls? If so, would you please ask these esteemed persons three questions for me, please? Or, maybe you could just text my questions to them.
1) How does laughter heal human bodies?
2) What is the meaning of Coca-Cola?
3) When one finds happiness, how's the best way to share it?
If you can get me these answers, I'll tell everybody! And I mean EVERYBODY!
Anyhow, Congrats on getting our Congressional Gold Medal! And, if you need any help with those pesky Chinese folks, Richard Gere and I would be glad to help you.
Happy 78th Birthday! May a warm light shine on your path!
Lue Deck
The Comic (still searching for enlightenment) In Red Shoes
PS: I saw that you shook hands with our President. If you wash your hands long enough, most of him will come off!