This article belongs to In Search of Laughs! column.
(It might have saved The Comedy Store! Normally, I do not advocate any kind of violence...but this little Weasel is a special case.)
It all started when Elvis Presley's opening act, Sammy Shore, and his bride Mitzi opened our planet's first ALL comedy nightclub in Los Angeles, California! The Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd. was born in April, 1972! Sammy and Mitzi also had three kids, maybe you've heard of one of them.
In May, 1972, (just one month later) Johnny Carson moved his Tonight Show into the now famous
The Lettermans, Lenos, Brenners, Gallaghers, Gabe Kaplans, and Robert Klein's all washed into the showcase scene, and with no hoopla, I followed them onto their beachhead. (At that point, nobody had told me that I wasn't funny, yet. Not even Mitzi.)
Soon, the luring call of gigs on the road summoned Sammy, and after the divorce, Mitzi got the kids, the house on the 2nd tier of The Hollywood hills, and finally: sole control of the soon to be World Famous Comedy Store on Sunset Boulevard. I started working for her around then. It was like getting a full boat scholarship to
After expanding the Store in 1976, Mitzi opened the world's first whole week comedy club, featuring an opening act whom acted as MC, a middle act (soon to be headliner) then capping it with the best "nobody" comics in the biz! (They weren't nobodys long!) La Jolla was a ritzy beach suburb of
Then, Mitzi opened her Westwood club, so her guys could work out the kinks and add a little class, as far away as possible from the TV scouts. I started there, unheralded, as her assistant, doorman, and go-getter. On my first mission as driver, I had to pick up her kids from elementary school. That's when
I used to tell two jokes about the heir apparent at The Comedy Store:
1) I used to say when I got back to
2) Remember those Heaven's Gate cultists in
As the years passed working in my chosen profession, I performed for pay in almost every state, and 34 other countries.
Now, since the Queen of Standup Comedy,
Since Mitzi got sick, The Comedy Store has begun to fade a bit. Many comics who called her club home then, now look back and wish her and Pauly well! Not that we're coming back. Most aren't. I feel about The Comedy Store, the same way a combat-hardened Marine feels about enduring boot camp at
Like all Mitzi's graduates, I still care! Call, if you need help.
And good luck Pauly! I hope nobody shoots you.