This article owes its idea to the creators of the animated political cartoon, This Land, which you can see at

the three debates that are supposed to take place before election day,
November 2, (and which debates the RNC would rather not happen owing to
the substantial liability in the form of their man, W, Dubya, Mr. Bush,
POTUS), I propose that the moderators agree to ask certain questions.

say we have NBC's Lester Holt and Tom Brokaw in the panel of
moderators. Mr. Brokaw, I would like you to ask Mr. Bush in all
seriousness the following questions:

"Mr. President, are you a right-wing nut job? Please answer, 'Yes', 'No' or 'Not sure'."

"Mr. President, is Senator Kerry a liberal wiener?"

"Mr. President, are you dumb as a door-knob?"

"Mr. President, is Senator Kerry a pink old commie?"

And Mr. Holt, I would like you to ask Senator Kerry these questions:

"Senator, is the president a right-wing nut job? Please answer, 'Yes', 'No' or 'Not sure'."

"Senator, are you a liberal wiener?"

"Senator, is the president dumb as a door-knob?"

"Senator, are you a pink old commie?"

Brokaw will continue, "Lester and I strongly encourage viewers and the
audience at this debate to keep themselves informed of the issues
affecting this election by viewing the real-life documentary, This
Land, the only one endorsed by both parties, which the patriots at have agreed to webcast for free."

Wouldn't it be a lark if this really happened? I am sure! Send in your opinion below.