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Sweet Grace columnColumn by Israel Jayakaran Love for gold![]() The Bible says the Angels in Heaven found the women of the Earth most beautiful and alluring. So, they came down, took the form of Men and married them. What they produced were 'demons'. These absconders have been imprisoned and are await..read on The Noise of Music The Noise of Music Have you ever tried your throat at singing? Any kind of songs – light, film tunes, classical etc? Even while contemplating on this thought, Vincent appeared before me and ..read on Tragedy of Errors Candy, twenty plus, was a simple final semester undergraduate staying in a hostel. She hardly made friends with anyone there or, for that matter, in her college class room. Then one day she was bitten by the love bug. The bug was ..read on The Grand Ceasefire THE GRAND CEASEFIRE Prodigies are born only once in a while and they are identified right in the Primary school level itself. But Mona, a Baby class kid, was spotted out not for her brainpower but for her talkativeness in the Lit..read on The New Trends The New Trends &nbs..read on The Soliloquists What will you do when you have nothing to do for a few hours or when you are bored to death, not knowing how to spend the next couple of hours? Most of the time, you will get out and go for a walk. Some times walking can be monoto..read on Do horses have a sense of humor? They do, according to me. I cannot say for sure if they indulge in this game with other horses but certainly they display it in full measure with the human beings especially the novice riders, as witnessed by me early last Wednesday morning. ..read on The Reincarnation Theory Do you believe in reincarnation of souls and a new physical life on the Earth after your current life? Well, nearly 80% of our population in India do believe in the cycle of births and rebirths; and after a particular..read on THE GREAT PLAYWRIGHT Have any of your jokes, given out in a social party, backfire..read on THE GREAT PLAYWRIGHT &nb..read on No Lender Be! I am sure you have lent something or other, some time or other to somebody or other, during your lifetime. Have all the lent out items come back to you? Very unlikely. Some would seldom return to you. On several occasions I never..read on PAIN? ISN\'T YOUR NAME \'DOLS\' No, there is no spelling mistake in the title. It is very much ‘dols’ and not ‘dolls’. And surely you would very much like to know what a DOLS is. &..read on Portrait of an Indian bride/bridegroom Some three or four hundred years back, a marriage in India was solemnized at a very early age. Possibly the girl was five and the boy seven or eight. The concerned mothers told their offspring at an age of understanding as to who she/had been m..read on The sea-side magic When Shakespeare wrote that “The world loves a lover”, he must have had in mind a typical beach side panorama. I am not talking about the vast ocean outline you watch standing at the shore but at the people who throng the grand beach ever..read on A city of heavy contrast The roads in all the Indian Metropolitan cities are flooded with people for at lest 20 hours in a day. So, Chennai which is my city of residence is no exception to this rule. Often I have wished and also imagined a road without people. Wh..read on SOME IRREPLACEABLE INVENTIONS We are living in an era of changes and frequent changes for that matter !. You know some 20 years back, we had a great novelty called “Video Cassette recorder/player”. It was a revolutionary ..read on LOTTERY TICKETS AND AN ANGEL OF LIGHT Some fifty years back, India introduced the Lotte..read on A FORMULA FOR LONG LIFE Is there anyone who doesn’t want to lead a long life on our planet earth? Only a madcap would say that he would love to die around 23 years of age. What about othe..read on A Difficult Son to Handle I had been asking the same question daily on rising from my bed. "At what time did Dolfy return home last night?" "Very late. Around midnight. But, today at 5.30 this morning," my wife answered that particular morning.. Isn't..read on DO YOU KNOW THIS? Do you know, till some 80-90 years back, people used a quill pen for writing? The quill was taken from the back of a porcupine. I wonder how they managed to pluck it away from this animal.; probably after killing the poor thing. The..read on WANNA BE AN AST..read on WANNA BE AN ASTROLOGER? I felt a jolt when Bob threw this question at me? Bob is my morning-walk-companion. “Don’t be silly ..read on Is smoking going up in Smoke I don’t know why our Indian Government is after smokers ! Poor chaps. Some years back, the Finance Minister was so wild with these fellows that he kept increasing the duty on cigarettes year af..read on HOW TO CATCH A ROMEO ! Have you come across any anti-socials in your life? There are millions of them in the world, you know? Among them is, a Romeo. Agreed? &..read on INDIAN MARRIAGES ARE SURELY IN THE REVERSE GEAR Yesterday I heard an alarming news on the TV. The ratio of Male to Female is terribly on the decline. In several Indian States, for every 1000 ma..read on YOU ARE INDEED A PRIVILEGED PERSON IN THE WORLD You have felt often dejected and despaired and rejected by many people around you all because nobody knows you by name or your designation. Right or not? ..read on IT IS CONTAGIOUS Here is a small riddle for you. Try to get at the answer. It’s a disease and yet not a disease in the technical s..read on AN EMPIRE LOST and RE-CAPTURED Once upon a time in India, ‘cooking’ used to be the prerogative of a woman. In that era, a veteran bachelor got married only for one main purpose – to eat ..read on THE WALK IN INTERVIEWS As a retired man and since I have plenty of time on hand, I read through the daily newspaper from the first line to the last. And that includes all the advertisements. Of the hundreds of Ads for j..read on YOUR LUCKY DAYS ARE ON THE WAY If you are an unmarried young woman from India, read this article because it is meant primarily for you. Cheer up, my girl. Something goo..read on A QUESTION OF ADJUSTMENT Tamil, one of the 15 major languages of India, has borrowed many words from other languages, Sanskrit and English, in particular. These have been accepted with slight changes here and there. But one English word - ADJUSTMENT- has stuck to ..read on DON’T ALL OF US HARBOUR SOME CRAZY DESIRES? I am sure you too would have harboured some desires in your heart some time or the other but felt helpless to execute them. &n..read on AN INDIAN CELEBRITY IN ENGLAND She was in the world of films. For how long, one wouldn’t know without some research ! She is reasonably pretty, but prettiness isn’t the only criterion to get a role in a film.&nbs..read on SCIENTISTS HAVE PROGNOSTICATED MORE DANGERS TO OUR LIFE There ! The scientific community of our planet are on their warning mission once again.. The latest one is for the Lap top users. Their research has revealed that the he..read on CHEATING GALORE ON THE INTERNET The world has been always on a ‘trend change’ mode for centuries. Such changes don’t come about overnight but in small doses over a period of time. ..read on ARE YOU SCARED OF NUMBER THIRTEEN? Are you really allergic to the figure Thirteen? According to my information, people in most parts of the world consider 13 as an unlucky fellow. Some peopl..read on DON’T SAY WHAT YOU MEAN What is the hall mark of an honest person? Answers may vary. But according to me it is, “To say what he/she means”. This axiom could be put in different forms ..read on A Rejoinder on Cricket I am inclined to pen this article, having read REECE PEACOCK ‘s piece in the Cheers about the second test match currently in progress in Australia between India and Australi..read on The price of instant friendship Call it a good or bad or an undesirable habit. But I can’t give up the practice of stopping someone on a public road and talking with him. “An in..read on A run-away at fourteen Some small incidents or encounters during your young age life, have a tremendous influence on your behaviour, philosophy of life, decision making etc in your later life. They become your guide stars to..read on DO YOU KNOW THE HISTORY BEHIND VALENTINE’S DAY? Ah, here is 14 February ! Another Valentine’s day for the year 2008. The world celebrates this day by sending cards, flowers and gifts to their lovers. ..read on The History of St. Thomas Mount, Madras, India A Land mark One of the important landmarks in Madras city, India, is, "St. Thomas Mount" at the southern most end of the city, near the airport. It is a small hill feature about 300 feet high (91 meters). It was on this hill that Thomas Didy..read on Are you using the correct honorific titles? I was sure I hadn’t made any grammatical blunder when I said, “Collins told me to report here, Sir.” Collins, a British national, happened to be the Vice Principal of my college. &..read on Bald and Beautiful A man keeps his hair according to the existing style when young and according to the existing hair when old. True or not? &nbs..read on THE LOUSY, SILENT and FAST I don’t know about your country but in my India and in my Metropolitan city in particular, I am totally disenchanted with the services provided by various tradesmen, such as plumbers, signboard..read on Fast for better Health Fasting is one of the most popular forms of democratic protests in India. The late Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, is perhaps the originator of this modus operandi &nbs..read on A slow coach monkey learner Right from my school days I had a great fascination for monkeys, at their way of playing and fighting etc. Whenever there was a monkey show on the roadside I just couldn’t help stopping and watching the drama or skit executed by the..read on WHAT DO THE MONKEYS THINK ABOUT US? Well, according to the Darwin theory, the human race is supposed to be the descendants of monkeys through the evolution process. In which case, why do monkeys exist even now and continue ..read on To Kiss or Not To Kiss That news item that early morning captured my attention whole sale and pinned it to my mind like a darted pin. Some British office workers have debated if they should kiss their customers or shake hand with them. After a serious discussio..read on The Post Action Wisdom The other evening Victor charged into his house blowing fire and smoke while his wife stood wondering what could have happened. Meantime, Victor was throwing curses at himself, “How..read on THE RAGGING SEASON IS HERE Isn’t it strange that while most school children detest Monday mornings because they have to go to school after a hectic week end, they look forw..read on HERE IS A NEW FERTILISER FOR THE WORLD The other day I saw a well dressed man urinating into the sewage canal right in broad day light.. “Shame ..read on TONGUE RINGS, BELLY RINGS and ……… ? Imagine, you are walking on a city road all by yourself. You see an young woman coming towards you from the opposite direction and is very close to you. Would you look at her ..read on IT’S NOT A WASTE PRODUCT ANY MORE I am sure you would have heard about ‘pay toilets’ and also used it once in a while. You won’t find them in small towns and villages in India. Even in the cities t..read on Why are many marriages going up in smoke? The IT companies and Call centres may have given tremendous financial prosperity to many youngster in India. But they have also forced several young men and women to part ways. Once upon a time, marriage was con..read on All Females are Amma here The title “dear” is very common in the West according to my knowledge. Possibly it is used mostly for ladies; ladies well known to you for that matter, and not for every one. ..read on Something great about Adjectives and Adverbs Introduction There is much confusion in the mind of English users, including..read on Some amazing discoveries on English grammar 1. We can divide every English sentence into two parts; Grammar part and Meaning part. The Grammar part will have just 3 elements – Subject, Auxiliary, Verb. And the meaning part - Object and. or Complement which may be in any combination. It is..read on |
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